All ten Dem presidential candidates on Thursday's debate support "free" health care for illegal immigrants
During last Thursday’s Democratic debate one of the moderators asked all the candidates "Raise your hand if your [health care] plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants."
If you didn't see this moment in the "debate" you'll probably be shocked to learn that all ten of the Dem candidates in the Thursday debate raised their hand.
Wait...I hear my liberal PhD friend saying "That can't possibly be true! You made that up! It's fake news from some dumb blogger! Even if the Dem candidates were to support such a thing, they're all far too smart to admit that in public! And if you believe they'd admit this, you're as gullible as every other conservative!"
Really? Take a look at the first ten seconds of long clip below and then try to claim the video is fake.
Convinced yet, cupcake?
Now enter the astonishingly mendacious chair of the Democrat National Committee, Tom Perez. In a live interview after the debate, the interviewer played the clip and asked Perez whether this was the policy of the Democrat party.
Perez realized he couldn't plausibly claim the clip was fake, so he knew his only option was to find a way to get voters to ignore this outrageous proposal. Cuz voters realize that forcing taxpayers to give "free" medical care to all illegal immigrants isn't just unfair to American taxpayers, but also an utter disaster as policy, since it will motivate even more foreigners to enter the U.S. illegally.
Forced to defend this insane proposal, Perez did what you'd expect: He lied--by claiming that illegal immigrants would be paying for their health benefits with their own taxes.
First he confused the issue by saying "immigrants pay Billions in taxes each year." Okay, but "immigrants" aren't what the Dems are talking about, which is "undocumented immigrants." As everyone with a functioning brain knows, Dems coined that cunning phrase to avoid using the term "illegal immigrants." But of course illegal immigrants usually work in cash jobs, to avoid paying taxes. How would their taxes help pay for their "free" health care?
But hey, the leaders of the Democrat party have long known that they can lie brazenly and get away with it, cuz the Lying Mainstream Media never calls 'em on it. Neat, huh.
But this particular interviewer wasn't having it: He played a video of Obama addressing a joint session of congress, saying flatly "Those who claim our reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants: This too is false!" (Go to minute 1:20 in the video to see this.)
How...interesting: Like so many things Obama said, this was a flat lie.
Not to worry: Perez neatly countered "But we're in a different ERA now."
Well played. 'Previous statements don't count, cuz that was a different time.' Got it.
Perez then outdid his previous statements by claiming "This is NOT a handout"--based on his bullshit claim that the illegals would "buy into a health insurance program"...because they pay taxes. Uh-huh. Sure.
The Dem proposal is free health care for all illegals. It most certainly IS a freebie...a handout. But by claiming it's not, the insanity of the proposal ceases to be a negative issue for Democrats. Indeed, they can get votes by claiming they're just being compassionate. Yay!
The interviewer went on to note that Democrat candidate Julian Castro and others have proposed to "decriminalize" illegally entering the U.S. (scroll to 2:40 in the video to see this). Wait, so they want to open our borders so that anyone in the world can enter?
NO, NO citizen! We Democrats are NOT for open borders! We keep telling you that but you don't seem to understand English! All we compassionate Democrats are proposing to do is remove all penalties for entering the U.S. without permission. See, that's what "decriminalizing" something means. We just eliminate all penalties for breaking U.S. law. You must be stupid if you don't see the difference!
Perez parries by lying again: "This president's policies were designed to LOOK tough. His zero-tolerance policy was cataclysmic, and resulted in children being put in cages..." Perez knows that almost no Americans know that this actually occurred under Obama, after a judge decreed that the government couldn't hold children in the same facility as adults. The judge was worried that kids might not be safe. Trump had nothing to do with this, since he wasn't president then, and has never been a member of congress.
But again, Perez knows that virtually no voters know this. And in any case liberals will believe any lie that makes Trump look like a villain.
Well played, Mr. Perez. Democrat voters believe you, despite what they saw with their own eyes.
(H/T to for their excellent way to edit and embed videos.)
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