June 14, 2019

Hell in a handbasket: Brazen, open communist wins seat on Denver city council

Socialism is essentially Communism by a different name.  And history shows that socialism gives terrible results.  Imagine a government bureaucrat telling you where to live, and giving you a ration card for what you can buy.  What do you get?

Venezuela.  North Korea.  Communist China (outside the cities).  Basically, crap.

So you might think any American who loudly cheered the "wonders" of socialism wouldn't have much chance of winning any election, eh?

Unfortunately, you'd be wrong--as the ghastly POS below shows.  She's a total communist who just won a seat on Denver's city council.  (The graphic on the vid below, showing her as just a candidate, was taken before the recent election.)

Watch the vid below--if you're from a flyover state you'll be amazed that any sane American would vote for someone this brazen about wanting to change our system to communism.  But there she is--proof that voters in Denver (and other big cities) are socialist-loving slugs who'll vote for whoever promises 'em the most "free" (i.e. taxpayer-funded) stuff.


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