June 12, 2019

California Dems give "free" health care to illegals under 26, paid for by fining U.S. citizens who don't buy...

Consider this gem from the idiot Democrat-ruled state government of California:  The Dem-controlled legislature (Dems control both chambers with huge majorities) just passed a budget that gives totally free medical care to illegal aliens up to 26 years old.

You may well wonder where the Democrats plan to find the money to pay for this.  They have:  They plan to FINE actual, hard-working U.S. citizens who fail to buy...wait for it...health insurance.

So let's see if we've got this right:  The Dems think it's perfectly reasonable to fine U.S. citizens for failing to buy health insurance, and to use the money from those fines to give free medical care to illegal aliens.  Izzat right?

Is it just me or does that also strike anyone else as totally outrageous?

A few of you may recall that Obamacare imposed the same fine on any U.S. citizen who didn't buy Obamacare's suddenly-mandatory health insurance.  Of course the Dems did NOT call that a "fine."  Instead they called it an "individual mandate."  Cuz "mandate" sounds less dictatorial, I guess.

Interestingly, when Republicans sued the Obama administration, claiming that the Constitution didn't give government the power to force people to fine people for failing to buy health insurance, the corrupt Supreme Court promptly invented that power, by claiming that the "individual mandate" was simply a tax, and that the government's power to tax was unlimited.

I say "corrupt Supreme Court" because in oral arguments before the court, when Obama's DOJ attorneys were asked several times whether the administration considered the "individual mandate" a tax, they repeatedly emphasized that it was NOT a tax--because the inveterate liar Obama had, on dozens of occasions, promised Americans that he would NOT have to "raise your taxes" to cover the staggering cost of giving huge subsidies (in some cases making health insurance "free" to low-income people).  So the Obama administration had to argue that the "mandate" was NOT a tax, but "merely" a fine or penalty.

The blackmailed John Roberts--laughably thought to be a conservative--struggling to find a way to support the ghastly disaster--simply ignored the administration's legal arguments and quietly re-labeled the "mandate" a tax, and thus perfectly legal.  It was bullshit, but the media didn't cover the story so the Dems were never forced to admit the truth.

It is SO helpful to a political party to have a media that will bury all your screw-ups and crimes and scandals, eh?

Oh, and one other detail:  The Dems in the Cali state-house believe they can give "free" (i.e. taxpayer-funded) medical care to all illegals under 26 for just $98 Million per year.  You're kidding, right?  They must think there are only 10,000 illegals in the state under 26.  I think the real number is closer to 800,000, and that the cost will be at least five times higher than the brilliant Dems have said.

But what difference does it make, eh?  If it costs more, the charmless Dems dictators will simply impose yet another fine or tax, to raise whatever's needed.  Cuz no price is too high to get the wonderful benefits of "diversity" and open borders, eh?


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