June 09, 2019

Yet another state joins treasonous push to elect prez by winner of the national popular vote

If you're like most Americans you have no idea that the cunning, Constitution-shredding Democrats have been quietly working for seven years on a way to replace the Constitutionally-mandated Electoral College system for electing our president with one that chooses the president by the winner of the national popular vote.

Of course you don't believe the Dems could possibly be that brazen in their determination to abolish the Electoral College system without having to amend the Constitution (which they can't do).  But it's a real thing, called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.  If you don't believe it, click here, and watch them condemn themselves with their own words.

The rat-bastards quietly got the Democrat-ruled legislatures of 13 states to pass laws agreeing to have their "electors" cast their electoral votes NOT for the candidate/party that wins their own state's votes, but for the winner of the nationwide popular total vote.

What's even more brazen is that the rat-bastards behind this scheme do this while piously claiming that the reason they're doing it is "Every vote matters."  This of course is bullshit, because the "compact" requires that the votes cast by voters in their own states be ignored, junked, in favor of electing a Dem president.

So much for "every vote matters," eh?

Last Wednesday Oregon became the 14th state to have both chambers of their legislature pass the NPV bill AND to have a Constitution-raping Dem governor eager to sign this unconstitutional abomination.

California, Colorado, Connecticut, D.C., Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington state--and now Oregon--have all passed and signed the NPV. These states account for 189 of the nation’s 538 electoral votes.

With the expected signature of Oregon's Democrat governor the scheme will control 196 electoral votes--leaving them just 74 votes short of the 270 needed to enable them to elect presidents by the winner of the popular vote.

You might ask yourself "This is a hugely treasonous plot.  So why am I just now hearing about it?"

Good damn question.  I suspect the treasonous, lying mainstream media don't want you to know.

Now:  What can those of us who support the Constitution do about this outrage?  Answer:  Write your (conservative) members of congress, asking them to push the DOJ to sue all the compact states, on the grounds that the laws each has passed are unconstitutional on their face, even before the compact contains enough votes to activate it.

Tell them that if the compact isn't ruled unconstitutional BEFORE the Dems attempt to steal an election using it, there will never be another Republican president.


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