June 18, 2019

3 Dem congresscreeps write a long article demanding the U.S. save Venezuela, never once mention cause of misery: socialism

Like all big-city papers in Democrat-ruled, cesspool cities, the Miami Herald is reliably Democrat-loving, Dem-supporting.  Thus I was stunned to read a piece in that rag by three female Democrat congress-creeps-- Donna Shalala, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz and a new one-- telling Americans what we MUST do about...Venezuela.

Wait..."what we MUST do about Venezuela"?   Why do "we" (i.e. U.S. taxpayers, not the 3 Democrats who wrote the piece) have to do anything about Venezuela?

For those who haven't been paying attention:  Before 1980 Venezuela had the highest per-capita income in all of Latin America.  Their problems have been caused entirely by socialist policies (socialism) pushed by former prez Hugo Chavez, and then more of same by his hand-picked successor--a former bus driver named Nicholas Maduro.

The socialist policies utterly devastated Venezuela, to the point that most Venezuelans are literally starving.  Things are so bad that people have killed and eaten the zoo animals!  Inflation has been running about 80,000 percent per year for several years, which wipes out the value of all savings.  Two eggs costs a week's salary.  People have long-since sold their jewelry and possessions to buy enough food for another week. 

It's insane, impossible!  And yet it's real.  And yet when every Dem presidential candidate but one says the U.S. NEEDS to adopt socialism, the Lying Mainstream Media applauds like trained seals.

The U.S. had no role in Venezuela's tragic demise.  We didn't break it, so why would anyone with a brain demand that U.S. taxpayers pay billions to FIX the disaster brought on by socialist policies--which is what the three Democrat congress-creeps suggested.

And the answer is...The Dems--speaking for their party--want to sweep the CAUSE of Venezuela's disaster--socialism--down the memory hole, because if more Americans learn the true cause of that country's disaster (socialism), they'll be much less likely to vote for Democrat candidates.

Ooooh!  Can't have that, eh citizen?

So here's what the cunning, lying three Dems had to say about Venezuela, and I'll show you how brilliant and cunning their lies are:
Venezuela is experiencing one of the worst humanitarian and economic crises in the western hemisphere in recent history.  [Cause by...?  Hmm, no cause cited.  Maybe they'll tell you later in the article.]

Food is scarce, malnutrition is widespread, and the nation’s medical system has collapsed. Ten percent of Venezuela’s population, more than four million people, have fled the country, with thousands following in the footsteps of so many others who have come to the United States and South Florida.

Despite harsh sanctions imposed by the Trump administration, Nicolás Maduro’s cronies continue to thrive, while nine out of 10 Venezuelans live in heartbreaking poverty. We support the administration’s efforts to unite the international community in support of the decision by the National Assembly —the only democratic institution still standing in Venezuela — to recognize Juan Guaidó as the country’s interim president until free, fair, and transparent elections can be held. 
They specify two things in the 'graf above that you need to remember:  First they claim that the eeeebil Trump admin has imposed "harsh sanctions."  The obvious implication is that the misery of Venezuela's suffering people--listed above that as scarce food, widespread malnutrition (i.e. starvation) and the total collapse of the medical system--is due to the "harsh sanctions" imposed by OrangeManBad.  That's a total lie:  The sanctions were against two-dozen top members of the socialist regime, in an effort to prevent them from using the international banking system to send their looted billions out of the country and into secret bank accounts in Switzerland or the Cayman Islands.

The second thing is that the Dems have picked the guy they now want to back:  Guaido.  But later they'll bitch that it's utterly wrong and immoral for the U.S. to pick the leaders of other nations.  Hmmm...  Consistency?  Not a chance.
Yet Maduro still reigns, and millions of Venezuelans still do not have food, medicine, or electricity.

So, we ask: what’s next, Mr. President? We need a more strategic plan.
These are the same Dems who would scream like stuck pigs if Trump had actually pushed a "more strategic plan" to bring about regime change in Venezuela.  "How DARE he try to tell those noble, dignified people that they can't choose socialism?!"
To break the deadlock, the United States and the international community can put more pressure on the regime [the socialst regime?  Hmmm...they don't say.  They'll probably tell you the cause of this disaster later, eh?] to facilitate a peaceful change in leadership, expose the corrupt networks that prop up the regime in Caracas, and meet the urgent, basic needs of the poor and hungry. These efforts will help push the parties to achieve a peaceful transition that precludes none, even key Chavistas players, in promoting stability in the country.
Two key items in the above:  First, the Dem authors introduce a new force into the mix: "corrupt networks that prop up the regime."  Most readers don't particularly notice this phrase, cuz hey, socialism and corruption?  Who could be surprised?  But there's a cunning purpose here:  "The problems in Venezuela are NOT caused by socialism, but by sinister non-socialist actors who have undermined glorious, totally wonderful, competent socialism."

You don't see that phrase, but that is exactly what they're laying the groundwork for--because the Dems CANNOT blame socialism for any bad outcomes since all their presidential candidates except one have endorsed socialist policies for the United States.

Alongside the people of Venezuela...we must assert a bold approach that exposes the criminal and corrupt actions sustaining this regime so that loyalists break from Maduro and force him to leave office.
Told ya.
First, all countries supporting Guaidó must tighten the financial pressure on the corrupt members who continue to support the Maduro regime, including freezing assets, banning travel, and canceling visas of military leaders and their families. We know...that when the regime loyalists and their family members — those who escape the daily consequences of government mismanagement — feel their extravagant lifestyles are threatened, the leaders will break.
Ah yes...much like the Pelosis and Schumers somehow escape the daily consequences of their shitty, anti-American policies like "sanctuary cities," open borders and free everything for illegal invaders.  But of course OUR Dems never feel that their own "extravagant lifestyles" are threatened, cuz half the voters support 'em.
Part of that pressure must include further exposure of the criminality that enables the Maduro regime to survive crippling sanctions and keep the military leadership loyal. A new...study reveals that...a vast criminal network spanning over 26 countries has siphoned tens of billions of dollars from the Venezuelan government through illicit trading in drugs, gold and oil.
See?  Problems aren't due to...some unmentioned cause [they'll surely tell you what it is later, eh?] but to a "vast criminal network" that has "siphoned tens of billions of dollars from the government."  Sure is amazing how that "vast criminal network" has managed to thrive right under the noses of the competent socialist rulers of VZ, eh?  I mean, Maduro and company are utterly ruthless, killing opponents, yet the "vast criminal network" is somehow unafraid.  Amazing, eh?

Maduro’s network has murdered local dissenters, engaged in human trafficking, and wreaked havoc on the environment.

We need a U.S.-led international investigation to trace this criminal web and to name, shame, and prosecute those still involved. Such action can also help expose the true role of Hezbollah, Cuba, Russia, Iran, and Colombian former guerrillas in the networks.
Now this is just hysterically funny:  Democrats LOVE Hezbollah, Cuba, Russia and Iran, and will defend all of those parties in any conflict or issue.  [Example: Claiming the recent attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman were actually "obvious false flag operations" planned by the U.S. to make Iran look like the bad guy.]  But suddenly the three Dem congress-creep authors of this piece are (implicitly at least) raising the possibility that their usual proteges just might possibly be bad actors?

What, did hell freeze over last week?  What in the world could account for this seismic shift?

Answer: The Dems know that the American voter has a memory span of about 3 days, so they can claim to blame either Hezbollah, Cuba, Russia or Iran for Venezuela's problems, and few of their supporters will even realize that the authors have accused the parties they supported last week.

Of course if we had an unbiased media, they'd instantly point out this bizarre switch.  But of course the media will never point out Dem lies, eh?
Second, the nations that support Guaidó must join our regional allies to galvanize immediate and generous support to the four million Venezuelans who have fled the repressive regime, and the 2.3 million more expected by the end of this year. That means immediately meeting the UN’s call for nearly $1 billion in refugee resettlement and humanitarian aid.

We have demanded that the administration grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to the approximately 72,000 Venezuelans in the United States, many of them in South Florida, but our requests have been met with silence. In the face of unconscionable inaction by President Trump, the House Judiciary Committee last month passed a bill to grant TPS to Venezuelans in the United States, bringing it one step closer to becoming law.
Astute readers may recall that in the 3rd 'graf of this utter dung-heap of a propaganda piece, the authors blasted Trump for having imposed "harsh sanctions" on the regime.  Yet here, barely a dozen 'grafs later, it's "unconscionable inaction by President Trump." 

"Consistency?  Nah, we don't do that."

Third, we must prepare for the hard work of rebuilding Venezuela in a post-Maduro era. While Venezuela’s vast oil wealth can help, significant amounts of humanitarian and financial assistance will be critical to assist the desperate population struggling to find food and medicine.
Note the use here of a writing technique called "passive voice," which hides the identity of who the authors propose as the actor--in this case the group they want to BE the source of the "significant amounts of financial assistance."  Writers use this when they're trying to do one of two things: either conceal who is to blame for something, or, as in this case, to avoid telling you who they're gonna try to force to PAY FOR what they want.

Also note again the reference to the "desperate population struggling to find food and medicine."  Two months ago the Dems were totally ignoring the humanitarian disaster in Venezuela, but suddenly they're using it to tug on the heartstrings of their dumb-ass base!  "Some mysterious force caused these once-wealthy people to run out of food, caused their medicine to vanish!  No one on earth knows what caused that [surely they'll tell you later, eh?] but regardless, it's your responsibility to fix it."
We must use our influence...to devise a substantial post-Maduro assistance plan to help the rebuilding process; meet the people’s health, food, and education needs; and prepare for new, internationally-monitored elections.

We welcome the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passage of the bipartisan Venezuela Emergency Relief, Democracy Assistance, and Development (VERDAD) Act. The Senate bill — incorporating bills that we introduced in the House — authorizes $400 million in aid to the Venezuelan people, restrictions on arms sales, as well as targeted sanctions.
Wait...In the 3rd 'graf in this piece of propaganda, the authors wailed that Trump had imposed "harsh sanctions," yet they just now called for "targeted sanctions."  Ah.  Cuz Trump, by definition, is "harsh" while the Dems would impose "loving sanctions."  Uh-huh.  Sure.
We need to pass the VERDAD Act to help the Venezuelan people survive this devastating crisis and galvanize other countries to help.

As we work to convert this pressure into progress, an approach to Venezuela that respects our regional allies and takes tougher diplomatic actions against Maduro’s criminal networks will pave the way for democratic transition. These tactics, with real commitments of resources to help the country get back on its feet, offer the proper balance to achieve peaceful, democratic, and lasting change in Venezuela.
This is SO precious!  First there's yet another red herring of "criminal networks" that the Dem authors imply are the REAL cause of all this ghastly misery.  Then there's yet another passive-voice call for "real commitments of resources" to fix it.  But again, we didn't cause it, we shouldn't even TRY to pull their dumb asses out of the fire.  The real cause--which the authors never mentioned even ONCE--was and is the socialist policies that every Dem presidential candidate except one has proudly claimed to support.

Interesting:  Nowhere in the entire article do the authors mention "socialism" as having anything whatsoever to do with the problems in that country.  Cuz they CAN'T mention the true cause-- socialism--without undermining every one of their candidates (except one).

Of course if we had an unbiased media, debate moderators would put Dem candidates on the spot by asking them what they think the cause of Venezuela's misery was/is, and if it had anything whatsoever to do with socialism.  But...unbiased media?   Hahahahahahahahaha!

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/op-ed/article231607558.html#storylink=cpy

Click here for the original article.


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