February 06, 2019

Why do so many Dem political "leaders" ignore lawbreaking?

You may not have noticed, but one constant of Democrat politicians is that they push to ignore lawbreaking.  They do this for several reasons:  because they want to flood the U.S. with illegal aliens, or because they believe it's "just not fair" that some ethnic groups have a larger percentage of their members in jail than their percentage of the population, or because they're looking for votes from these groups.

I'll give you specifics in a minute, but first consider this:  When any level of government ignores lawbreaking, what effect do you think that has on young people?

For one thing, it increases cynicism, because people see that "everyone breaks the law without any penalty."  So what do you think happens as a consequence?

People break more laws more often.  This is an inevitable, easily-predictable outcome.

Examples of Democrat pols insisting that city, state or federal employees ignore lawbreaking include:
  • Democrat mayors and governors ordering their employees not to notify federal immigration enforcement officers when they have an illegal alien in custody;
  • Dem mayors ordering city employees not to arrest drug dealers (Minneapolis);
  • Dem mayors ordering city employees not to arrest people using illegal drugs in public;
  • Dem mayors pushing their city councils to establish city-funded and -staffed sites for junkies to inject I-V drugs (Seattle, Philadelphia);
  • Dem congresscritters filing lawsuits to prevent states from purging voter registration lists of dead people and people who have moved out of the state; 
  • The last Dem president ordering federal immigration agents not to deport illegal aliens unless they'd committed a *really* serious crime while in the U.S.;
Instructing police to ignore drug sales is particularly damaging, since addicts account for a significant amount of theft and robbery to support their addictions.  Hard to see why Democrat pols would want to do something absolutely guaranteed to cause more robbery, but there ya go.

H/T City Journal


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