January 30, 2019

Trial begins re U of Iowa banning Christian student group that refused to allow a homosexual to be an officer

Today a federal lawsuit will go to trial that will likely set a critical precedent.

Summary: An openly homosexual student at the University of Iowa wanted to be an officer of a Christian student group ("Business Leaders in Christ" (BLinC)).  According to BLinC the gay student “expressly stated that he rejected BLinC’s religious beliefs and would not follow them.”  Although the Christian group was okay with the guy being a member, they decided he shouldn't be an officer, on the grounds that it didn't want a homosexual in a leadership position.

The student complained to the diversity empire at UI.  That empire's first response was to
demand that BLinC amend its constitution to let gays be officers.  Or as the university put it, "so that it would be less exclusive."  BLinC refused.  The diversity empire then ruled that excluding the homosexual from a leadership position was far more important than allowing the Christian organization to establish its own qualifications for leadership posts. 

After the Christian group refused to bow to the demands of the Diversity Empire, the university "de-registered" the Christian organization, banning it from campus and from receiving any funds from student activity fees.

This happens virtually every week on university campuses, because the pencil-dick adminishits always--always--side with gays and trannies.  But in this case something very unusual happened: 

The Christian group sued the university.

BLinC’s president at the time said the decision not to allow the gay guy to be an officer was made "because he did not agree with BLinC’s biblically-based views on sexual conduct.”  As you could have guessed, the Diversity Empire dismissed this reason as discrimination--which, it huffed, was grounds for banning.

But then it was found that 356 of 513 student organizations at the university restrict membership based on whether a student meets their discriminatory criteria.  For example, an Islamic organization on the University of Iowa openly says it requires that members be Shia Muslim.  Members must also "refrain from major sins."  Homosexuality is a major sin in the Islamic faith.” 
Oooh.  Can you say "double-standard?"  I knew you could.
Now, the reason this trial bears watching is that judges appointed by Democrat presidents have shown huge deference to gays and trannies, so would be likely to ignore the blatant double-standard shown by the university's Diversity Empire.  Hard to imagine how such a decision could be legally justified, but liberal judges routinely ignore the clear law when they want to defend a practice they support.

For example, Obama was allowed to give decades-long amnesty (with the goal of eventual citizenship) to illegal aliens under the DACA program, by his own unilateral executive order, and yet liberal judges have ruled that Trump can't use exactly the same process--executive order--to end the blatantly unconstitutional program.  
Does that surprise you?  It should, but you probably never knew about it.


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