Why the Left has been winning the culture wars for 30-odd years
There can be no doubt that there's a war going on in this country. Right now only a few have been killed, many more "just" beaten up, or fired due to pressure from the Left.
One of the reasons for this is that many so-called conservative leaders are really liberal Democrats under a false flag. Their response to screaming demands from the Left is (and has always been) to defer to the Left--thus to let the Left have yet another easy win.
A second reason is that while the Left can assemble protests of tens of thousands of people who live on welfare (so are always available to demonstrate), the vast majority of conservatives work for a living, so rarely have time to organize protests or other pressure-group actions.
No one disputes that Trump is brusque and undiplomatic. He often fumbles the ball. But at least he's in the game.
One of the reasons for this is that many so-called conservative leaders are really liberal Democrats under a false flag. Their response to screaming demands from the Left is (and has always been) to defer to the Left--thus to let the Left have yet another easy win.
A second reason is that while the Left can assemble protests of tens of thousands of people who live on welfare (so are always available to demonstrate), the vast majority of conservatives work for a living, so rarely have time to organize protests or other pressure-group actions.
Until Trump came along, the "leaders" of the GOP never tried to push back against liberal or socialist policies, because going along won them precious vote for re-election. The
idea was that surrendering to the Left on all cultural battles would allow
Republicans to focus on "fiscal conservatism" and win over moderate
voters who cared more about pocketbook issues.
The Left was delighted with this moronic "strategy," and quickly learned to frame EVERYTHING in moral terms, which always enabled them to win any argument (since arguing facts or numbers went over the heads of the Dems low-information voters).
The Left was delighted with this moronic "strategy," and quickly learned to frame EVERYTHING in moral terms, which always enabled them to win any argument (since arguing facts or numbers went over the heads of the Dems low-information voters).
In surrendering to the Left on most issues, conservative leaders ceded *righteousness*. Every
left-wing issue is presented as a righteous crusade which no one could defeat. Anyone who opposed what the Left framed as a moral issue was ruthlessly condemned in every forum. And in virtually every case, people who opposed the Left ended up apologizing. As a result the
Left now has a monopoly on the ability to designate cultural
villains and target them for destruction.
You might think that religious, conservative people could win on many moral questions, but the Left--through its media allies--neatly closed that avenue by framing all conservative moral issues as "religious intolerance." Thus when conservatives speak up for innocent American citizens killed by illegal alien invaders--an issue you'd think all Americans would support--the Left frames this as racially motivated, or xenophobic. To get Americans to view illegals as less threatening, the media stopped using the phrase "illegal aliens" years ago, substituting "undocumented Americans." The Obama administration instantly supported this tactic, even ordering government employees to stop using the phrase.
Now the Left is taking their offensive to the next level: Not satisfied with merely being able to get opponents fired, they're now hard at work trying to make speech they don't like a criminal offense.
Where today, wearing a MAGA hat or criticizing homosexuals or trannies and the Left gets you banned from social media on the grounds that you uttered "hate speech," which they scream is NOT allowed as "free speech," they're trying to make such statements punishable by a fine or jail, as has already been done numerous times in Canada and Europe.
The "elites" of passive conservatism have responded by deciding that
any religion except Islam is effectively dead as a cultural force, so can be treated with contempt and stripped of rights. They're afraid of crossing the Left.
By stark contrast, the Left is totally fearless when it comes to opposing any conservative goals. Indeed, Democrat leaders openly plays by no such
passive rules. It ACTIVELY reshapes the electorate with government power
and cultural influence. It's not worried at all about freaking out the
moderates, because it can use the entertainment industry and the media to redefine what's considered "normal" or cool.
Left attacks relentlessly because they've learned they'll never pay a price for repeated
assaults. Quite the contrary: Their base loves to intimidate opponents. They're not reluctant to beat people up.
Trump was elected because
he appealed to beseiged conservatives. He saw them being relentlessly attacked and stood up for them.
Criticize his approach all you want, but not one of his GOP opponents even
saw the problem--let alone sympathized and offered their support.
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