McConnell says Trump will sign spending bill, but then declare emergency to build the wall
It's 1200 pages long and contains at least 3 "poison pills"--provisions inserted by open-borders Dem congresscreeps that will give de-facto amnesty to millions of illegals.
The president should NOT sign this until every one of these fatal provisions has been discovered. Then the president should address the American people and point out each of the "poison pills" inserted by the treacherous, cunning, conniving open-borders Democrats.
If the president signs this bill into law as currently written, it will amount to amnesty.
As @JessicaV_CIS notes, there is a serious amnesty/sanctuary provision buried in Section 224(a) of the spending bill that would bar ICE from detaining or deporting anyone who has any kind of relationship (even just as a "potential sponsor") with any unaccompanied minor.And it gets worse: Section 224 (a) says that ICE may not remove any sponsor, or "potential sponsor," or even a member of a household of a UAC [Unaccompanied Alien Child]. That's de facto sanctuary for any illegal alien who's anywhere near a UAC.
And there's more: The "compromise bill" also gives $30 million in taxpayer funds to hire pro-migration groups that will guide migrants towards winning asylum.
Rush Limbaugh is saying the bill also contains language forbidding Trump from transferring money between agencies if he declares a national emergency, even though the Constitution gives the president such authority, and the Supreme Court has ruled that congress can't usurp powers granted by the Constitution.
It's worth asking whether the above provisions were known to the Republicans, and if so, whether they were ever discussed or negotiated. It's hard to imagine any genuine conservative could possibly have agreed to these poisonous provisions--but then again, half the Repubs in congress are really Democrats in all but name.
Trump has been sabotaged at every turn, both by Democrats and Deep-State holdovers and by people recommended for key staff positions in the White House. But if ordinary citizens can find three poison pills in a couple of hours, competent, honest staff members should be able to do the same.
If Trump is told about these provisions and still signs this thing, he's toast. And frankly I think that's one of the key reasons why the Dems inserted the provisions.
Mr president, DO NOT SIGN THIS BILL.
Mitch McConnell can't be trusted. His statement that he'll "support" a declaration of national emergency may well have been made to get Trump to sign a bill that McConnell knows has several poison pills in it.
The House Freedom Caucus--a group of conservative representatives--wants to pass just a one-week spending bill at current levels to give them time to read this monster bill and find all of its poison pills. But with the Democrats controlling the House there's no way Pelosi will allow that.
Instead she'll rush the current bill to a vote, claiming it was imperative to avoid another shutdown, and ignoring the option of a one-week extension.
Of course with the Republicans having control of the senate, McConnell could propose a one-week extension. But he won't. Indeed, by the time you see this the senate will almost certainly have already passed the bill. My guess is that McConnell, like Pelosi and Schumer, doesn't want those poison pills stripped out.
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