Former Cali attorney-general Kamala Harris has some strange views on the law
SInce Kamala Harris is likely to be the next Democrat presidential nominee, it would be a good idea for you to know something about what kind of person she is, what legal views she holds, and whether she supports the Constitution.
Willie Brown was Speaker of California's legislature, and later a candidate for mayor of San Francisco. By many accounts Brown was the most powerful politician in California for years. Starting in 1993 Harris began dating Willie Brown. Into 1994 press accounts described Harris as Brown’s girlfriend. Brown was still married and in his early 60s; Harris had just turned 30. Early in 1994 Brown used his power as Speaker to appoint Harris to the state’s Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board--a position that paid $97,000 a year.
In 2012 Harris submitted a brief supporting an illegal immigrant’s application for license to practice law in the state. Significantly, the State Bar of California has a rule that people who'd committed a criminal act couldn't be admitted to the Bar. The illegal applicant had obviously violated U.S. immigration law--a fact Harris cheerfully dismissed as irrelevant.
In her first speech on the Senate floor Harris declared, “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” This strikes many Americans as a lie, since entering the U.S. illegal violates a valid federal law, so "criminal" seems accurate. Harris later said she took that position because "illegal immigration is a civil violation, not a crime.” Again, this seems at odds with the facts, since entering the U.S. "illegally" has criminal penalties, and reentry after being deported is a classified as a felony.
Similarly, working in the US without legal residency and a work permit is illegal.
In April 2018, Harris urged the Senate Appropriations Committee to “reduce funding for beds in the federal immigration system,” reject calls to hire more Border Patrol personnel and “reduce funding for the administration’s reckless immigration enforcement operations.”
And yet this person is arguably the one likely to win the Democrat presidential nomination. Amazing.
H/T NY Post.
Willie Brown was Speaker of California's legislature, and later a candidate for mayor of San Francisco. By many accounts Brown was the most powerful politician in California for years. Starting in 1993 Harris began dating Willie Brown. Into 1994 press accounts described Harris as Brown’s girlfriend. Brown was still married and in his early 60s; Harris had just turned 30. Early in 1994 Brown used his power as Speaker to appoint Harris to the state’s Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board--a position that paid $97,000 a year.
In 2012 Harris submitted a brief supporting an illegal immigrant’s application for license to practice law in the state. Significantly, the State Bar of California has a rule that people who'd committed a criminal act couldn't be admitted to the Bar. The illegal applicant had obviously violated U.S. immigration law--a fact Harris cheerfully dismissed as irrelevant.
In her first speech on the Senate floor Harris declared, “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” This strikes many Americans as a lie, since entering the U.S. illegal violates a valid federal law, so "criminal" seems accurate. Harris later said she took that position because "illegal immigration is a civil violation, not a crime.” Again, this seems at odds with the facts, since entering the U.S. "illegally" has criminal penalties, and reentry after being deported is a classified as a felony.
Similarly, working in the US without legal residency and a work permit is illegal.
In April 2018, Harris urged the Senate Appropriations Committee to “reduce funding for beds in the federal immigration system,” reject calls to hire more Border Patrol personnel and “reduce funding for the administration’s reckless immigration enforcement operations.”
And yet this person is arguably the one likely to win the Democrat presidential nomination. Amazing.
H/T NY Post.
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