Gavin Newsome extends free health care to millions of illegal aliens. Wheee!
Right after Gavin Newsom was inaugurated as governor of California his first act was to sign several
executive orders on healthcare, making taxpayers in that state pay for medical care for what Democrats and Leftists cutely call "undocumented young adults"--i.e. illegal alien invaders.
children and teens"--i.e. illegal alien invaders--were already covered by Medi-Cal; which is the state's version of free medical care for low-income people. Newsome's new order
follows the Obamacare order in allowing people
to stay on their parents' plans until age 26.
office called it a "major step toward universal coverage"--something Democrats have pushed because it allows them to feel virtuous.
His orders also expanded Obamacare
subsidies: the cutoff for taxpayer funded subsidies for a family of four was $98,000, but that
will be bumped up to $150,600.
In case you were unclear, taxpayers will subsidize health insurance for every family--including non-citizens-- making less than this amount. But of course you knew that, right?
To cover the huge cost of this subsidy, Newsome proposes to "reinstate the individual mandate" of Obamacare"--which the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional--at the state
level, according to Newsom's office. Is that cool or what?
new governor also ordered the creation of a new government position: a state surgeon general.
Unless you're naive, you can count on whoever fills this new post to come up with definitive proof that whatever Newsome says in scientifically accurate. That would include finding that "adverse childhood experiences" harm health.
Newsom sent a letter
to President Trump and congressional leaders asking that they "amend
federal law to enable States to apply for and receive Tranformational
Cost and Universal Coverage Waivers, which would give California federal tax dollars to "begin transformative reforms that provide the path to a
single-payers health care system."
Ah, yes, of course.
Of course Newsome was just beginning: "...Everyone in California should have a good job with fair pay. Every
child should have a great school and a teacher who is supported and
respected. Every young person should be able to go to college without
crushing debt or to get the training they need to compete and succeed.
That is the California Dream."
Right out of the socialist playbook. Newsome is a telegenic socialist. The morons in Venezuela who elected Chavez, then Maduro, would elect Newsome president in a heartbeat.
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