Dems pushing government to take over ALL health care--like Canada?
As Democrat pols like Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ojos-Locos scheme to have the federal government run all medical care in the U.S. (a.k.a. "socialized medicine," a.k.a. Medicare for All) on the USA, before y'all squeal about what a great idea that is, let's take a look at how it's working for Canada.
A recent study of just the province of Ontario alone found 30,000 people on the waiting list for "long-term care." That's not a typo. If private companies were allowed to enter the market, they'd quickly start filling that need--without taxpayer dollars. But of course in a government-run system, the government doesn't allow any private competition.
If your medical condition is urgent, the last place you want to go is an emergency room in a country where Big Government has taken over medicine:
Across [Ontario] people spend an average of 16 hours in the emergency room before getting admitted. That’s more than two hours longer than three years ago.Socialized medicine starts off on the wrong foot and stumbles steadily downhill as bureaucrats fall back on cuts and rationing to keep ever-climbing costs under control.
Meanwhile, Democrats want to spend $32.6 trillion over 10 years to have the federal gruberment give Americans the same sort of system. And if you're skeptical they'll tell you "Look how WELL Obamacare worked!"
If any liberal complains about the admittedly alarming growth of the national debt, or the $5 billion Trump wants for the border wall, ask them how they feel about Medicare for All. If they parrot the party line and support it, you're entitled to laugh at their ignorance.
As one wag put it, if you think health care is expensive now, just wait til it's "free."
H/T Moonbattery
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