Leftist actor celebrates release of unrepentant leftist terrorist who killed five innocents; the Left rewards him
Oscar Lopez Rivera was the leader of a 1970s terrorist group FALN , a group demanding that Puerto Rico be "liberated" from the administration of the eeevil United States (under which U.S. taxpayers pay them hundreds of millions in aid per year and island residents pay no Federal income tax).
To force the U.S. to give him what he demanded, Lopez Rivera built and detonated bombs that murdered at least five and probably six innocent New Yorkers. He was eventually tried and sentenced to 55 years. His fellow bombers also got long prison terms.
Then during the left-loving Bill Clinton's last week as president, Clinton offered to free all the killers, on the sole condition that they renounce violence. All except Lopez Rivera took the deal.
But don't worry, citizen: the next Democrat president, in his last week in power, released the killer without even insisting that he renounce violence. Thanks to emperor Obama, Lopez Rivera was a free man again.
Because justice, comrade. Well, not justice for the murdered victims, of course, but....
Now an interesting thing happened: The actor who played the title role in the play "Hamilton"--a leftist named Lin-Manuel Miranda--celebrated the terrorist's release on social media and gave him a ticket to the play.

Please note that I don't dispute the actor's absolute right to do this. Free speech for all. (Pity the Left won't reciprocate, but let that go for now.)
Now here's the twist: If a celebrity celebrated the release from prison of, say, a man who'd murdered five innocent people while bombing an IRS building, or Planned Parenthood headquarters, and praised the killer as a hero, how do you think the media would react?
Sure: it would be a career-ending move. The celeb would never work again.
But when the Leftist darling Lin-Manuel Miranda cheers the convicted bomb-murderer Lopez Rivera, he gets rewarded by being named to co-star in Disney’s upcoming sequel to “Mary Poppins,” and a gold star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A studio is even giving him a chance to direct his first film--literally named "Tick tick--boom."
But don't go jumping to the conclusion that the Media or Hollywood has a double-standard or anything, citizen. And certainly don't start thinking there are two sets of laws, in which Democrat presidents pardon murdering leftist bombers. Heaven forbid you should come to that conclusion!
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