Who said this?
Okay, who said this:
Read the CPUSA web site. It's content is indistinguishable from the leaders of the Democrat party.
Read the changes CPUSA demands to our election laws. Every demand they have makes vote fraud easier:
Just before WW2 began, the world watched as Hitler re-armed Germany (in violation of the treaty that ended WW1 20 years earlier) and became more openly aggressive. British college students, having read of the slaughter of WW1 and determined not to fight, rationalized that Hitler was actually quite reasonable, and pushed to appease him.
Accordingly, when Hitler demanded that Czechoslovakia give Germany roughly a third of its territory and people, the prime minister of Britain--Neville Chamberlain--flew to Munich and agreed to the demand--despite the obvious fact that the territory wasn't his to give away. Chamberlain returned to the U.K. claiming "I have secured peace in our time."
One year later German forces attacked toward both east and west, beginning WW2.
In his personal diary Hitler admitted that if Chamberlain had refused, Germany wouldn't have been strong enough to force the issue. The rejection of Hitler's demand might have caused him to re-think his firm belief that the Allies would do absolutely anything EXCEPT go to war, no matter the provocation.
Point is that, just as half the Brits before WW2 were convinced Hitler was a reasonable man, half of all Americans believe the Democrats don't really mean the things they say. Thus they're comfortable continuing to vote Democrat.
The Democrat party has dropped any pretense of believing in the Constitution. They've taken off the mask and are no longer hiding their plans. But older voters won't recognize that, and the young have been convinced by Left-loving school systems that communism (socialism) is really the best of all possible worlds, so they're comfortable with voting Democrat.
The Dem strategy of winning the votes of illegals and the poor in big cities is nearly complete--as evidenced by the fact that Hilliary won every large city even in generally conservative TEXAS. And if they're able to win Texas, Republicans won't win another national election. And by the time vote fraud--including the votes of illegal aliens--hands the Dems control of the federal government for the next century or so, it will be too late to reverse course.
Socialism is a common-sense path to a fairer, more prosperous and more democratic USA. Socialism is also a desperate necessity as capitalism and its unrelenting drive for profits threaten to make our planet uninhabitable. Working families in America – the 99% - between us create all the products and services that make our country the richest nation in the history of humankind. It doesn’t make sense that these collectively produced resources are owned and controlled by a tiny handful of billionaires. The fight for socialism is a dynamic process to fulfill the vision of a future of peace, justice and fairness for our nation and our world.So is this statement from
- Democrat candidate for congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who's an admitted member of the "Democrat Socialists of America" and is pushing free college, free housing and what they call "universal basic income"?
- Democrat senator Elizabeth Warren, who was so devoted to the idea of "fair" society that she falsely claimed to be a Native American to get a lucrative professorship at Hahvahd?
- Socialist Bernie Sanders--who is so devoted to fairness and total equality that he bought a million-dollar lake home shortly after the last Dem presidential primary?
- Democrat senator Kamala Harris, who is 100% devoted to fairness and equality of outcome, and free college? or
- The official website of the communist party of the USA?
Read the CPUSA web site. It's content is indistinguishable from the leaders of the Democrat party.
Read the changes CPUSA demands to our election laws. Every demand they have makes vote fraud easier:
- Federal government must ensure states allow same day registration. [1st mention]
- "Regulation of the voting process must not burden any American from exercising that right, including identification requirements"--i.e. shall be no requirement to prove ID to vote, or even that a person is a U.S. citizen;
- Voting by mail should be established "wherever possible"
- "Provisional ballots" must be allowed if a citizen has moved but failed to change their registration (i.e. making yet another effort to allow people to vote without being registered in that precinct). [2nd mention of wanting to effectively do away with registration *before* elections];
- Voter registration should be allowed on election day. [3rd reiteration of this same demand; ya think they really want it? And why do you suppose it's so important to 'em?]
Just before WW2 began, the world watched as Hitler re-armed Germany (in violation of the treaty that ended WW1 20 years earlier) and became more openly aggressive. British college students, having read of the slaughter of WW1 and determined not to fight, rationalized that Hitler was actually quite reasonable, and pushed to appease him.
Accordingly, when Hitler demanded that Czechoslovakia give Germany roughly a third of its territory and people, the prime minister of Britain--Neville Chamberlain--flew to Munich and agreed to the demand--despite the obvious fact that the territory wasn't his to give away. Chamberlain returned to the U.K. claiming "I have secured peace in our time."
One year later German forces attacked toward both east and west, beginning WW2.
In his personal diary Hitler admitted that if Chamberlain had refused, Germany wouldn't have been strong enough to force the issue. The rejection of Hitler's demand might have caused him to re-think his firm belief that the Allies would do absolutely anything EXCEPT go to war, no matter the provocation.
Point is that, just as half the Brits before WW2 were convinced Hitler was a reasonable man, half of all Americans believe the Democrats don't really mean the things they say. Thus they're comfortable continuing to vote Democrat.
The Democrat party has dropped any pretense of believing in the Constitution. They've taken off the mask and are no longer hiding their plans. But older voters won't recognize that, and the young have been convinced by Left-loving school systems that communism (socialism) is really the best of all possible worlds, so they're comfortable with voting Democrat.
The Dem strategy of winning the votes of illegals and the poor in big cities is nearly complete--as evidenced by the fact that Hilliary won every large city even in generally conservative TEXAS. And if they're able to win Texas, Republicans won't win another national election. And by the time vote fraud--including the votes of illegal aliens--hands the Dems control of the federal government for the next century or so, it will be too late to reverse course.
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