Canadian jihadists say "I'm voting Liberal!"
Like many countries, Canada has a Muslim problem. But don't worry, Canadians: You have the skilled leader Justin "Baby Doc" Trudeau, and the Liberal party, to solve things.

And what's the Liberals' solution? Simple:

And what's the Liberals' solution? Simple:
- Continue unlimited immigration and open borders;
- Make it even harder (if that's possible) for ordinary citizens to defend themselves;
- Order CBC and RCMP to never blame any crime on Muslims, even when that's who did it;
- Keep telling voters "We don't have a Muslim problem, citizen! That's crazy-talk!"
- Keep releasing people caught with 42 kilograms of carfentanyl and 33 illegal handguns on bail, since they clearly don't pose a threat to anyone;
- Open more government-funded drug "shooting galleries" where addicts can shoot up in comfort, with medics standing by;
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