August 13, 2018

Baltimore school system to require a C average to play sports--until they find six schools won't be able to field teams

The Baltimore school system decided to implement a new, faaabulously effective policy to improve student learning effectiveness:  To play school sports, students had to have a "C" average in summer school or the last quarter of the preceding academic year.  (For reference, the NCAA standard is a 2.3 GPA.  A 2.0 is a C average.)

Oooh, wait:  When school adminishits discovered that the new, faaabulous policy would mean six black schools wouldn't have enough students qualifying to play football,"delayed implementing" the policy.
 Now watch as politically-correct school officials line up to proclaim that it's just not fair to enforce the new policy.

Here's the school system's "executive director of whole child services and support" (yes, that's her actual title): “We’re making sure we’re being fair to students who are affected by this and may not have fully understood what was at play before,”

Here's the system's "chief academic officer:  “There’s been situations that have come across my desk where a student may have been living with their grandmother, and their grandmother passes.  This student may have been an A or B student, but then the grades just plummeted. We want to make sure we’re looking at the student as more of a totality than at just that one moment.”

Yes, by all means look at the totality.

When reporters asked why BCPS student athletes from the six schools could not meet the standard when their peers from neighboring districts have had to meet it for years, school-district officials did not respond.

But don't be concerned, citizen:  The Baltimore school system says all students will need to meet the 2.0 GPA cutoff by Nov. 9, the end of the district’s first quarter, to compete in winter sports.

And by all means, don't follow up on this.  Cuz, school officials always do what they say they will.

I suspect the school system will begin granting exemptions pretty soon.  Cuz, fairness.


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