December 29, 2018

NBC ignores most stories they call "local interest only"--but they ran a long piece on this one

Almost every day, somewhere in America an illegal alien murders or kills (while drunk-driving) an American citizen, but the major broadcast and cable networks almost never report it.

If you ask 'em--and people have--they say it's "just a story of local interest only, and we don't do that--because our viewers aren't interested in 'local interest only' stories."

Well...that's not exactly true.  Last January NBC posted a very long story about a Massachusetts man who murdered his wife.

Gosh, you'd think that would be exactly the definition of a "local interest" story.  So why would NBC devote a long piece to it?

Cuz the virtue-signallers who run NBC decided every viewer should see this one--cuz the victim--the "wife"--was a man who'd decided to become a female.  So naturally NBC felt this story was important.

Interesting that they think you should know about this tragic murder--and other "local interest" stories, such as when a selfish, savage man kills his innocent wife and two adorable children (Colorado)--yet they usually avoid running stories on the many hundreds of Americans killed each year by illegal invaders.

It's almost as though they have an agenda or something.


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