July 27, 2018

San Francisco pols introduce law to ban employee cafeterias in new construction. Cuz...

San Francisco is home to lots of big, successful companies, and their headquarters often contain employee cafeterias, which offer a very attractive alternative to fighting heavy traffic to go "off campus" for lunch.

Well, a couple of the city's "supervisors" (like members of city councils but with almost unllimited power) don't think that's fair, comrade, cuz you can only eat there if you're...wait for it...employed by that company.  So supervisors Ahsha Safaí and Aaron Peskin are co-sponsoring an ordinance that would ban “employee cafeterias” from new office buildings in the city.

"Right on, comrades!  We'll never have the perfect socialist society if a few privileged people get to eat lunch in the employee cafeteria!  We want them to force them to eat at local restaurants that are open to all.  No special privileges for employees!"

Next up:  A city ordinance banning companies from offering health insurance!  Cuz it's just not fair, comrade!  Employees of fat-cat mega-corporations should be forced to buy Obamacare insurance just like everyone else!

Next:  Did you know some fat-cat employees of mega-corporations drive [gasp!] luxury cars?  Why should some privileged people--and of course they're disproportionately white--to drive luxury cars while others use public transit, which is far more environmentally friendly?  It's simply not fair that some people are hurting Mother Gaia far more than others, simply for their own selfish convenience.


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