July 27, 2018

Interviewer asks people what they think of socialist policies. "Yay!" Then "Who will pay for all the free stuff?"

Democrats and their media allies have succeeded in convincing at least half of all Americans that socialism is the best of all possible worlds--WAY better than capitalism, private enterprise and so on.
And one big reason is that socialism promises to give people free everything--free college, free health care, free housing, guaranteed income regardless of whether you work.

Hey, why would anyone NOT support such a wonderful system, eh?

So, what happens when these same people--the ones who have nothing but praise for this wonderful socialism--are asked "Who will pay for all the free stuff?"  Take a look at the clip below.

They also say socialism is working very well in unspecified "other nations."  But when these same people are asked "So, do you feel that Venezuela is a good example of how socialism is working?" they all went blank.  "Uhh...sure, it's great there."  Or "I don't know anything about Venezuela."

So chalk up another win for the Lying Mainstream Media.  If they were honest they'd be reporting on the unprecedented humanitarian disaster in socialist Venezuela.  But they aren't honest.  They're total, inveterate liars in the service of advancing Democrat rule and socialism, at any cost.


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