July 23, 2018

Man who was about to testify about the Clinton Foundation supposedly "commits suicide" in Miami

On July 11th a guy by the name of Klaus Eberwein was found dead in a Miami motel of a gunshot to the head.  Hey, Miami, fortunately only happens on days ending in "y," eh?

Medical Examiner says suicide, but the story in the Miami Herald story has NO details from the ME's office.  That could be the reporter's fault, or an editor's decision, but could also be "We found a weapon in the room, so he must have committed suidide.

So why is this of interest to you?

Cuz from May 2012 until February 2015 Klaus Eberwein was director general of the economic development agency for the government of Haiti.  And why is that of interest?

Cuz he was scheduled to testify before the Haitian Senate Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission just two weeks later--and was widely expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated  international donations for earthquake relief.

Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article160983614.html#storylink=cpy

So maybe that claim of "suicide" should be double-checked right away, before the body is quickly cremated, as happened following the unexpected death of Supreme Court justice Scalia.  Cuz, see, if you're powerful and want to get away with a hit, you lean on the M.E. to declare suicide even if there are screaming red flags of contradictory evidence.  And of course once the body is gone....

I'll bet our faaabulous Federal Bureau of Incompetence Investigation would figure it out, eh?

Hahahahahahahaha!  Yeah, that's funny.  The FIBBIs could have video of a guy shooting Eberwein but if they suspected it was Hilliary's doing they'd burn the tapes and agree with suicide. 

I'd be*very* interested to read the detailed medical examiner's report, and detailed police investigation.  For instance, look for fingerprints other than the vic's on the shell casings. Look for the gun improperly placed in the vic's hand...perp wants to get away fast and often f's that up.

The coincidence here--supposedly shoots himself just a week before he was to testify--is as suspicious as that supposedly "accidental" meeting between Bill Clinton and Obama's attorney-general, the useless Loretta Lynch, in her jet on the parking apron at Phoenix a mere three DAYS before Comey was to testify to the House committee saying yes she broke the law but we won't charge her because mumble mumble bullshit two sets of laws.

Coincidence my ass.


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