Rising Dem star introduces bill to have government pay part of the rent for favored people
Like Barack Hussein Obama, leftist Democrat Kamala Harris "came out of nowhere," rising from an unknown to the top of the Democratic party in just six years. She's now a U.S. senator from the Peoples' Republic of California.
I'll describe her amazingly fast rise from obscurity to the U.S. senate at the end of this post, but right now it's more important that you see what she's just done: Because the Left is all about what they cunningly call "social justice" (cuz who could possibly be against "justice," right?), when Kamala heard that millions of Americans pay over 30% of their pay on rent, she was OUTRAGED! To this fast-rising Democrat star it was just unconscionable that millions of people would have to pay SO MUCH of their earnings on rent.
This surely had to be a crisis, and since the Democrats have always believed in not letting a good crisis go to waste, Kamala introduced a bill she calls the "Rent Relief Act."
Watch the papers for this one--cuz all the signs are that Kamala will be leading the Dem party in two years, which will enable her to get what she wants as far as Dem legislation.
So what would Kamala's "Rent Relief Act" do?
Well you might guess that it's a rent-control act, which is bad enough. But it's actually worse. A LOT worse.
If passed, this law would make the federal gruberment "pay" a big chunk of the monthly rent for favored people.
Which, of course, means that taxpayers would be paying part of the rent for 'em.
If you're a low-info voter you're probably thinking "Hey, the gummint paying part of my rent! What a great idea," right? Cuz who wouldn't like taxpayers to write 'em a check for somewhere between $500 and $2000 per month, eh?
Okay, let's pause for a second: The idea that the likely next Democrat presidential nominee would have already introduced a bill to make taxpayers pay part of the rent for her supporters sounds way too outrageous to be real, right? The story simply has to be fake, something from a satire blog. It's gotta be right-wing-nut stuff.
Unfortunately it's real. Here's Kamala describing the problem in her own words:
Notice that Kamala cunningly doesn't say that the bill will make the gruberment "pay" part of the rent, because people would immediately see what was going on. Instead she cleverly says she wants to "help ease the burden." Cuz how could any compassionate person be opposed to "easing the burden" of another, eh?
See the handwriting on the wall yet? One of the keys to the election of the socialist Muslim Obama was that he promised "free" stuff--like free health care--to his followers. And better yet, he promised that "the rich" would pay for it. Problem is, when pols say "free stuff," it's not really free. Someone has to pay for it. And if you think "the rich" will pay--as he promised--you're too naive to vote.
Obozo's "Affordable" care act--you know, that great Democrat plan that they promised would save the average family $2,500 per year!!!--was funded by simply borrowing huge amounts from the Chinese and stuck your grandkids with the tab. As most people with an IQ over room temperature will understand, that's not only indefensible, it also isn't sustainable. But of course we're talking Democrats here, and 90 percent of them don't understand anything about economics.
So the fact that any given Dem program is financially insane doesn't bother 'em a bit.
Okay, at the top of this post I mentioned Kamala being just like Obama--coming out of nowhere in a meteoric rise to stardom. In the Kenyan's case, he went from a state senator (no significant achievements) to U.S. senator (again, no significant achievements) to president in an unbelievably short 11 years.
Similarly, in 1990, at the age of 26, Harris was hired as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County, California. In 1993 she started "dating" the most powerful man in California politics--Democrat Speaker of the state Assembly, Willie Brown, 30 years her senior. Brown introduced her to the most powerful people in the California and Sacramento political and social establishments, ensuring her funding for later elections.
In 2003, with Brown's backing and fundraising help, Harris was elected DA of the city and county of San Francisco--giving her near-total control of which suspects were charged and prosecuted.
Seven years later, in 2010--again with Brown's backing--she was elected Attorney-General of California.
Just six years after that, in 2016, Harris won the U.S. senate seat opened by the retirement of Democrat Diane Feinstein. So while she hasn't risen as fast as the golden Obama, it's still amazing.
And today, having been a U.S. senator just 18 months, she's introduced a bill that would cost on the order of ten Billion dollars per year, and would push the U.S. further toward socialism.
And half the electorate thinks this is absolutely great.
I'll describe her amazingly fast rise from obscurity to the U.S. senate at the end of this post, but right now it's more important that you see what she's just done: Because the Left is all about what they cunningly call "social justice" (cuz who could possibly be against "justice," right?), when Kamala heard that millions of Americans pay over 30% of their pay on rent, she was OUTRAGED! To this fast-rising Democrat star it was just unconscionable that millions of people would have to pay SO MUCH of their earnings on rent.
This surely had to be a crisis, and since the Democrats have always believed in not letting a good crisis go to waste, Kamala introduced a bill she calls the "Rent Relief Act."
Watch the papers for this one--cuz all the signs are that Kamala will be leading the Dem party in two years, which will enable her to get what she wants as far as Dem legislation.
So what would Kamala's "Rent Relief Act" do?
Well you might guess that it's a rent-control act, which is bad enough. But it's actually worse. A LOT worse.
If passed, this law would make the federal gruberment "pay" a big chunk of the monthly rent for favored people.
Which, of course, means that taxpayers would be paying part of the rent for 'em.
But Kamala is even more clever, cuz her bill--scheme--works by giving renters who spend more than 30% of their income on rent a "tax credit" instead of paying landlords directly. Cuz the concept of "tax credits" is well-known and established, so no one could possibly object to it, eh?
Now, If you're a hard-working citizen you may not be familiar with the term "tax credit." Not surprisingly, a "tax credit" reduces the tax you owe. But if someone doesn't make enough to pay income tax, the government will write that person a check.
As a Kamala lackey quickly added to her twatter account, "This means more money in your bank account and more money invested back into the economy.
Notice the cunning use of the phrase "invested back into the economy." As anyone remotely familiar with economics instantly recognizes, welfare isn't actually an investment, any more than your giving your kid ten bucks to spend at the movies is. But to a Democrat/socialist, it is.
Cuz they say so. That's why.
If you're a low-info voter you're probably thinking "Hey, the gummint paying part of my rent! What a great idea," right? Cuz who wouldn't like taxpayers to write 'em a check for somewhere between $500 and $2000 per month, eh?
Okay, let's pause for a second: The idea that the likely next Democrat presidential nominee would have already introduced a bill to make taxpayers pay part of the rent for her supporters sounds way too outrageous to be real, right? The story simply has to be fake, something from a satire blog. It's gotta be right-wing-nut stuff.
Unfortunately it's real. Here's Kamala describing the problem in her own words:
Nationally, over 21M Americans spend more than 30% of their paychecks on rent. That’s absurd.— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) July 21, 2018
I introduced the #RentReliefAct to help ease the burden. This equals more money in people’s pockets at the end of the year.
Notice that Kamala cunningly doesn't say that the bill will make the gruberment "pay" part of the rent, because people would immediately see what was going on. Instead she cleverly says she wants to "help ease the burden." Cuz how could any compassionate person be opposed to "easing the burden" of another, eh?
See the handwriting on the wall yet? One of the keys to the election of the socialist Muslim Obama was that he promised "free" stuff--like free health care--to his followers. And better yet, he promised that "the rich" would pay for it. Problem is, when pols say "free stuff," it's not really free. Someone has to pay for it. And if you think "the rich" will pay--as he promised--you're too naive to vote.
Obozo's "Affordable" care act--you know, that great Democrat plan that they promised would save the average family $2,500 per year!!!--was funded by simply borrowing huge amounts from the Chinese and stuck your grandkids with the tab. As most people with an IQ over room temperature will understand, that's not only indefensible, it also isn't sustainable. But of course we're talking Democrats here, and 90 percent of them don't understand anything about economics.
So the fact that any given Dem program is financially insane doesn't bother 'em a bit.
Okay, at the top of this post I mentioned Kamala being just like Obama--coming out of nowhere in a meteoric rise to stardom. In the Kenyan's case, he went from a state senator (no significant achievements) to U.S. senator (again, no significant achievements) to president in an unbelievably short 11 years.
Similarly, in 1990, at the age of 26, Harris was hired as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County, California. In 1993 she started "dating" the most powerful man in California politics--Democrat Speaker of the state Assembly, Willie Brown, 30 years her senior. Brown introduced her to the most powerful people in the California and Sacramento political and social establishments, ensuring her funding for later elections.
In 2003, with Brown's backing and fundraising help, Harris was elected DA of the city and county of San Francisco--giving her near-total control of which suspects were charged and prosecuted.
Seven years later, in 2010--again with Brown's backing--she was elected Attorney-General of California.
Just six years after that, in 2016, Harris won the U.S. senate seat opened by the retirement of Democrat Diane Feinstein. So while she hasn't risen as fast as the golden Obama, it's still amazing.
And today, having been a U.S. senator just 18 months, she's introduced a bill that would cost on the order of ten Billion dollars per year, and would push the U.S. further toward socialism.
And half the electorate thinks this is absolutely great.
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