July 26, 2018

Oregon judge decrees that students have NO constitutional right to privacy in dressing rooms

From what I've read it seems clear that at least half the judges in the U.S. are total leftist idiots.  Which means they'll issue rulings supporting the Left's position on anything, regardless of the lack of legal merit.

Recent example:  After Obozo's lackeys in the federal Department of Non-education sent a letter to every school board saying 'If you don't allow trans-gender students to use the locker room of whatever sex they claim to be, we in the majestic, all-powerful Department of Non-education will rule you guilty of violating Title 9 of the Civil Rights Act of bullshit bullshit, and you'll lose all federal funding."

I hear some of you saying "That's nonsense!  The federal government would never do such a ridiculous thing!"  Really?  In 2015, the Obama Administration Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights threatened to remove funding from Illinois' Township High School District 211 if it didn't permit a boy claiming to be a girl to use the girls locker room.  The letter from the department informed the district that it was violating Title IX, which barred sex discrimination in K-12 districts that received federal funding.

Needless to say, being threatened with losing federal funding quickly brought virtually every school board in the country into line fast.  But a handful of "deplorable" parents in Oregon objected to their kids' school enforcing Obozo's decree, and sued their school district, claiming their sons had a reasonable expectation of--and indeed, an implied constitutional right to--privacy.

Now a federal judge in that case has ruled in favor of the school district (thus Obozo's tranny policy), ruling that "students" in that school district do NOT have a constitutional right to privacy in dressing rooms.  So in this case the judge has ruled that a girl who claims she is a boy shall be allowed to use the boys' bathrooms and locker room. 

Coming from a liberal judge in insanely-liberal Oregon, this isn't surprising.  What is surprising is the "reasoning" used by the judge to support this ruling.

U.S. District Judge Marco Hernandez literally ruled that
"High school students do not have a fundamental privacy right to not share school restrooms, lockers, and showers with transgender students whose biological sex is different than theirs.
He added that the fact that a student might be seen by someone of the opposite biological sex while  undressing or performing bodily functions ‘does not give rise to a constitutional violation,

He ruled that the stress the boys felt was not "comparable to the plight of transgender students who are not allowed to use facilities consistent with their gender identity.”

This is revealing, because school had built a "gender-neutral" bathroom specifically for the transgender girl (who decided she wanted to be a boy).  She had been using this bathroom to dress for gym, but wanted to use the boys locker room instead-- because the gender-neutral bathroom was farther away from the gym.  This "I want" triggered the school district's decree, which in turn prompted the parents' lawsuit.

Now from a tactical standpoint, the Oregon parents would have been smarter to find a case where a boy wanted to be a girl, since if the idiot judge was determined to support Obozo's decree,  he would have had to rule that teenage girls in public schools had no constitutional right to privacy.  And since kids are forced by law to attend school, this would have enraged millions of parents of teen girls.

Ooooh, think that ruling would likely have swung a million votes in November?  Cuz most fathers take a very dim view of school adminishits forcing their daughters to share dressing rooms with guys.

The coda to this story is that when Obozo's lackeys forced their tranny policy down the throats of schools, they claimed that NOT opening locker rooms to students wishing or claiming to be the opposite gender violated the vaunted "Title IX" law barring "sex discrimination."  This is a flat-out lie:  The actual, y'know, statute says nothing about this.  Instead, the Department of Non-education's "Office of Civil Rights" simply decreed that the law now covered trannies too.

Isn't that precious?  Like emperor Obama himself, his minions felt free to change laws simply by unilaterally declaring their new meaning.  And that you would be fined if you didn't comply with their new interpretation.

But c'mon, citizen--the Dems have never supported the idea that congress makes laws, not Democrat presidents.


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