June 20, 2018

Twatter hides a pic under the warning "May contain sensitive material." You won't believe what it was

Just stumbled on a tweet by a guy named Blair Cottrell titled "Toxic masculinity."

There was a pic, but Twatter had hidden it under their ridiculous snowflake warning, "The following media may contain sensitive material."

Naturally I was curious as to what Twatter had deemed so dangerous or triggering or whatever, so I clicked on "View anyway."

And it was two pics of men doing good things:  One was wading thru floodwaters towing a boat with two rescued children, the other was a man fighting a wildfire.

And I thought:  Holy shit, this is what the Leftist-run social media have come to, putting warnings on pics of men doing good, calling it "sensitive material."

Okay, trigger warning for any snowflakes:  I'm about to unload with both barrels.  So if you're easily triggered, you need to stop reading right here.

Fuck Twatter, and Fakebook, and the Lying Mainstream Media, and Antifa, and all the ghastly socialists in the U.S. government.  Go burn in hell.  Die in a fire.  You are doing your best to destroy this country--and you may well succeed.  But the odds are equal that you will only summon a rain of fire down on your heads.  And not some metaphorical heavenly fire.

So according to Twatter, pics of men doing good are to be hidden behind the warning "Sensitive material."  Amazing.  But predictable.


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