June 20, 2018

Seattle has a great idea for how to "solve" their drug problem

As the media have been telling us for a year or more, the U.S.is in the middle of an "opioid crisis."  The media tell you it's caused by doctors too eager to write prescriptions for pain pills, but that's only a tiny factor.

A far bigger factor is heroin and fentanyl, both of which are flooding into this country from Mexico and China.  Both are much cheaper than buying prescription drugs on the street.

Seattle is a liberal-run city with a big drug problem.  So, being liberals (and thus way smarter than those of us in flyover country) they decided to take Action to fix the problem.  The first step was to create a Regional Task Force on opiate addiction.

The Task Force--totally staffed by liberals--studied the problem and concluded that there was nothing really wrong with using heroin.  Rather, the problem was that users sometimes died from an overdose.  And because liberals are very compassionate, they came up with what seemed to them a faaabulous solution:  They recommended that Seattle create a city-run facility where heroin addicts could shoot up under medical supervision.  With nurses and antidotes ready to go, drug addicts could shoot up without fear of overdosing.  Voila.

Seriously, this is what they proposed.

Of course the official documents avoid using the graphic but honest terms "addicts" and "shoot up," instead preferring the euphemisms "users" and "consume narcotics."  Ah, those sound LOTS better, eh citizen?  After all, we're all "consumers" of various products, right?  And if some people want to consume different...um... products, who are we to deny them that right, eh?

Well, except for guns, obviously.

Seattle's liberal city council agreed that this was a faaaabulous idea, and voted $1.3 million for the project.  But now the city has hit on what they say is a more cost-effective option: outfitting a small bus as a shooting gallery to enable people to "consume narcotics" safely.

The plan is to park the bus in a leased lot.  But some "consumers" were concerned that only having one location would make it inconvenient for "consumers" to access.   But Jeff Sakuma, a "health integration strategist" in Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan’s office, is confident they can work out any problems.  The point is they've got a solution for the drug problem.

Isn't that cool?  Oh sure, some ol' tight-ass conservatives will complain that this doesn't reduce the problem of how heavy "consumers of narcotics" get enough cash to fund a $200 per day habit, nor does it address the less-than-stellar business practices of drug sellers.  And some right-wing nutjobs are even claiming that operating the bus might even encourage more heroin use.  What a crazy idea!  It just shows you what a crazy fantasy world conservatives live in, eh?

The only substantive complaint about the proposal came from junkies "consumers of narcotics," who said one bus wouldn't be nearly enough to keep all of Seattle's consumers happy.  So the council is working on finding money for a second bus if demand is high.

So remember: Liberals can find solutions for even the toughest problems.  You just have to be smart.  And not listen to any whining from right-wingers.  And vote Democrat in November.


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