Leftist/socialist website: Action against members of Trump admin should get more extreme
Ever since Trump was sworn in I've watched as the Left/Dems advocated more violence against conservatives. In fact, unless you live in DC you've probably forgotten that on the very day he was sworn in, mobs of Dems/"progressives" rioted in DC, burning cars and breaking windows. Virtually no one was arrested and charged.
Things ramped up considerably a year ago when a nut shot four people, including a Republican congressman, during a morning softball practice. But apparently that wasn't enough for many Dems/"progressives," who are now calling for more violence.
Leading the incitement to violence is Dem congresscreep Maxine Waters, who urged her supporters to call out a crowd whenever they saw a member of the Trump administration at a restaurant, store or gas station. "Tell them they're not welcome here or anywhere," she said.
When DHS secretary Nielson was surrounded by chanting demonstrators in a DC restaurant, the Left and media were giddy with delight. They "smelled blood," sensing a new way to defeat the eeeebil Trumpians: use brute force to intimidate members of the administration.
Now on a Leftist hate-website a pencil-dick writer has called for more violence. The article is titled "This is just the beginning," and it leads with a pic of a limo burned by demonstrators during Trump's inauguration:

Below are the main points of this leftist rat-bastard's rant. (I've edited out a lot of the tedious stuff so if you doubt he said what I say below, feel free to read the original at the link:
Think being thrown out of a restaurant or having your meal interrupted or [having your cell-phone # being posted on-line by leftists] is bad? My fascism-enabling friends, this is only the beginning.Ah yes: To leftists, Trump = fascist, so anyone who voted for him or works in his administration is a fascist enabler. You actually don't need to read any farther to understand what kind of mentality we're seeing in this guy.
People who have power don't know what it feels like to have power used against them. [example:] The people who design the economic system that inflicts poverty on millions are rich.A basic Leftist principle (claim): The System is deliberately designed (by da eeeebil rich, apparently) to "inflict" poverty on millions. Has nothing at all to do with horrible personal choices, drug addiction, lousy parenting or anything the impoverished could change in any way. Rather, their poverty was the designed result of the economic System. Oh, you bet.
This insulation from the consequences of political and economic decisions makes it easy for powerful people to approve [policies] that they would never tolerate themselves. No health insurance CEO would watch his child die because they were unable to afford quality health care. No chickenhawk Congressman will command a tank in battle in Iran. No opportunistic race-baiting politician will be shunned because of their skin color. Zealots condemn gay people—except for their own gay children. The weed-smoking of young immigrants should get them deported—but our own weed-smoking was a youthful indiscretion.That's odd: I don't recall any conservative leader who had a gay kid condemning gays. One imagines the author imagining this, since it fits his paranoid worldview. But I'd be interested in his source.
Same with deporting "young" immigrants for smoking weed. I'd like to see a source for that. We've certainly seen illegals deported for selling drugs or killing people while driving drunk, or fatally shooting Americans. And we're seeing entire families of illegals turned back at the border. But a million "Dreamers" are here, and so unafraid of being deported that some even carry signs when demonstrating saying "I'm an illegal immigrant."
Our political system needs a way to ensure that the people making decisions are also subject to the consequences of those decisions. Minor versions of this are floated every now and then: Put Congress on Obamacare! Pay elected officials what their average constituents earn! But in aggregate we have nothing like this feedback mechanism. The powerful make decisions that often disenfranchise and impoverish and frustrate the dreams of people far away, and then they go to nice restaurants and go home to nice houses and have nice, well-paid careers for decades.The Leftist/socialist/"progressive" author put it much more, uh...diplomatically: "We must see to it that they 'face' these costs." Far more soothing than "force them to bear those costs" but same idea.
There is little incentive for those favored by this system to change it. So any change must be done by the public. Iin fact, forcing needed changes is a public service, and promotes good government.
Our government is headed by an ignorant billionaire narcissist, a man surrounded by enablers who have shown that no amount of racism or xenophobia or lies or warmongering or corruption will dissuade them from helping the boss do what he wants to do. Some of those outrages, like ripping families apart at the border, show their costs immediately. Others, like eschewing the fight against climate change and neutering the EPA and mainstreaming white nationalist ideas, will be manifesting their costs for decades to come.
We are the ones who are suffering--and will continue to suffer--from his policies. The rich and powerful can insulate themselves from those costs--unless we force the powerful to bear those costs.
This is a basic belief of Leftists. They claim poverty has no connection whatsoever to making horrible personal choices (dropping out of school at age 16, for example), drug addiction or poor parenting. Rather, the Left's theory is there's nothing at all that a person born into a poor family can do to escape poverty. The author's claim that poverty is "an affliction of history and the failure to remedy history's crimes" is a push for "reparations." Of course no amount of money will cure the problem, nor stop endless demands for MORE money.
Poverty is an affliction of history and the failure to remedy history’s crimes, of greed and self-dealing and the tax code.
Sickness is often an affliction of the political decision not to build a fair and equitable health care system, so that a small number of people can get rich instead.Ah. So under an "equitable" system people who work and pay taxes pay for the health care of those who refuse to work. Sure. To a Democrat that sounds totally equitable.
Tens of millions of people around the world suffer under dictatorships that are supported by America to serve our own economic ends.Can you name even one?
Every day people die because of political decisions. On our side: death, human rights, freedom, and equality. The other side wants to eat at a nice restaurant without having anyone remind them they're ruining people’s lives.This is equivalent to saying that enforcing the law is ruining people's lives. So by Leftist "logic" we shouldn't have any laws at all, since punishing those who break 'em would be ruining their lives. Yes, it does make sense.
This is all going to get more extreme. And it should. The harm that is being done by the people in the government is extreme.So this Leftist claims that enforcing the law as written is "f**king with people's lives"?
Trump administration officials should not be able to live their lives in peace and affluence while they inflict serious harms on large portions of the American population.
Not being able to go to restaurants or parties is just the minimum baseline here. The backlash is going to get much worse. Wait until the recession comes. Wait until Trump starts a war. Wait until the racism this administration is stoking begins to explode into violence more frequently.
In the 1970's the U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant.
When you aggressively f**k with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to f**k with yours.
This pencil-neck is certainly fanning the flames of anger, and inciting violence.
Stop working for this man. Stop enabling him. Start fighting him. People who work for Trump are not going to get out of this with their lives unscathed.
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Hamilton Nolan, fire-breathing revolutionary Leftist/"progressive" |
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