Latest revelation of damning texts by top FBI agents: "Trump supporters are retarded" "Pence is stupid"
The House Oversight Committee investigation of FBI lying and efforts to sabotage Trump and ensure Hilliary was cleared regardless of evidence is moving at a glacial pace, but is slowly peeling back layer after layer of lies by the top officials of the FBI and DOJ.
Of course Democrats and liberals are like, "Why are you wasting everyone's time talking about this? It's boring and totally trivial!" Well certainly it is to Democrats. Of course if the parties were reversed you'd be screaming bloody murder, so your disdain for the lawbreaking this time is unconvincing. But in any case...
In the latest revelation we've learned the identity of two of the five FBI investigators cited in the recently released inspector general's report for expressing anti-Trump and pro-Clinton sentiment in work-related instant messages. The FBI officials--which the IG report only called "FBI Attorney 2" and "Agent 5"--are Kevin Clinesmith and Sally Moyer.
The two were part of the team supposedly investigating Hillary Clinton's private email account on her unsecure server in her home. Clinesmith also later worked as a top lawyer on the Trump-Russia "collusion" investigation, and on Mueller's investigation.
So if evidence shows outrageous pro-Hilliary and/or anti-Trump texts from these two, it would be reasonable to think they might not have been honest and objective in their "investigations."
IG Horowitz testified that the FBI was withholding the names of all the rogue agents from Congress and the public because "they work on counterintelligence," so revealing them would arguably damage their invaluable counterintel work.
But Rep. Meadows noted that in the case of Clinesmith and Moyer this was bullshit: those two now work for the FBI's office of legal counsel, and are no longer in "counterintelligence," as the FBI falsely claimed.
Wait, wait, wait -- let me get this straight: The FBI is lying again? That's simply un-possible!
Horowitz confirmed the two worked in the office of legal counsel, which was headed by Trisha Anderson. Anderson also worked closely with lead investigator Peter Strzok, and was married to a top Obama White House official. So very unbiased, eh?
In a message just 12 days before the election Sally Moyer wrote that she was "sick" of Trump. Later she called his supporters "retarded." On election day she wrote that Clinton "had better win... otherwise i'm gonna be walking around with both my guns...and like quitting on the spot," adding, "Screw you trump." But totally unbiased, right?
The day after the election Clinesmith lamented Clinton's loss, messaging several FBI employees, "I am numb." He added, "I am so stressed about what I could have done differently." Done differently to what purpose? To achieve what outcome? Someone should ask him. Of course he won't remember. They never do. But in any case, no bias at all, eh?
Clinesmith also expressed regret over Comey's decision to reopen the Clinton email investigation case 12 days before the election. That move was forced on Comey by leaks reporting the discovery of 140,000 emails--some of which were highly classified--on a laptop belonging to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Clinesmith warned that the damage to Clinton could initiate "the destruction of the republic."
After Clinesmith messaged another FBI employee that he was "just devastated" over Trump's unexpected victory, he texted
"the crazies won finally. This is the tea party on steroids. And the GOP is going to be lost, they have to deal with an incumbent in 4 years. Also Pence is stupid."
Later Clinesmith--one of the "Russia collusion" investigators--texted "Viva le resistance." The "resistance" is the name that the group trying to impeach or otherwise sabotage the Trump administration calls themselves. Thus in texting "Viva..." the FBI attorney seemed to be expressing approval of the Resistance movement. But totally, totally unbiased in his investigative work, citizen. Of that you can be sure.Finally, Rep. Meadows made another bombshell claim during his questioning of IG Horowitz, saying there was "growing evidence" that FBI Interview Form 302s had been "edited and changed."
This is devastating because if true, that's falsifying evidence. By the FBI. And no low-level agent would do that without explicit approval from higher up, cuz it would be not just a career-ending move but would involve risk of going to prison.
" say the FBI--supposedly the nation's "top law-enforcement agency"--may have falsified evidence? No way! Next you'll be claiming they lied to congress or something. Un-possible."
The outcome of all this is by no means certain: The Deep State has a huge number of government employees "working" for it (just like the lying sons of bitches at the FBI). So they may be able to out-gun those who want truth and justice to prevail. But just think, citizens: If Hilliary had won--as everyone expected--NONE of this would ever have come to light.
Think about the implications of that. Of course Dems don't see even a tiny problem there. They're happy with a lying, corrupt FBI. Cuz the FBI was helping their candidate. Amazing.
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Kevin Clinesmith, FBI anti-Trump attorney |
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