March 22, 2018

Media: "No such thing as the Deep State." Bill Kristol: I'd prefer the Deep State to Trump

If you're an adult who's been paying attention, you may have read about something called the "Deep State."  It's the whole division of liberal/Left Obama appointees who have been actively sabotaging virtually every Trump initiative.

Oh think that's tinfoil-hat stuff.  Crazy talk.  Can't possibly be true, cuz...conspiracies are just fantasy, right?

Well.  An attorney who writes a blog took a look at the facts that support the theory of holdovers, and summarized the evidence as follows:

1. Do you believe the EPA has, from its inception, been heavily staffed by activist left/liberals, determined to write rules that would favor the radical environmentalist side of things?

If the evidence you've seen supports that proposition, why do you claim it's impossible that the upper echelons of the DOJ, FBI and even many top generals-- ponds stocked with Obamaite fish for 8 years-- could similarly have a strong leftist political interest?  If so, would you be surprised that these operatives might push their agenda, without constitutional authority to do so, through their bureaucratic and managerial decisions?

2. Do you believe the Office of Civil Rights in the Justice Department is staffed with leftist Democrats who push their agendas through their bureaucratic and managerial decisions?

If the evidence you've seen leads you to believe the OCR has been stocked with Obamaites, why is it insane to think that the higher ranks of the DOJ might have been similarly stocked?

3. In 2003 unnamed members of the CIA investigated the question of whether Saddam Hussein sought to buy uranium in Niger.  Personable CIA employee Valeria Plame recommended that the best person to send to investigate this question was... Clinton loyalist Joe Wilson.  Who was, by amazing coincidence, the husband of Valerie Plame.

Many Establishment Republicans agreed that Joe Wilson was a biased investigator, and in fact had been hand-picked exactly for this reason.  And true to form, Wilson reported there was nothing behind the claim.  Later, other investigators found Wilson's "investigation" consisted of sitting in the hotel bar having drinks with friends in the local government.  Who naturally "knew nothing."

With this known, can people really think the intelligence community is honest?

4. Every intel agency in the world agreed that Saddam had a nuclear weapon development program.  But in 2007 the U.S. intelligence community issued a National Intelligence Estimate claiming there was never any evidence Iran was seeking a nuclear weapon.  This report was immediately leaked to the press.  The most logical conclusion is that they were trying to undercut Bush by claiming there was never any justification for a military strike on Iran.

This of course represented a complete reversal of their previous analyses, and the intel community actually reversed itself again a couple of years later, deciding that the threat of an Iranian nuke was now so dire and so close to succeeding that it justified secret talks with Iran--and a secret non-treaty treaty--to delay their acquisition of nuclear weapons.

If the intel community would  deliberately leak a bogus report to damage Bush hand in 2007, why is it hard to believe that the Deep State still exists?  And more to the point, look at how many "establishment" faux-conservatives have gone so far into Trump Derangement Syndrome that they openly claim they'd prefer the Deep State to Trump:

 Hat tip: Ace of Spades.


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