March 20, 2018

Democrat solution to violence by males: Teach 'em to act like girls. How well is that working?

If an untrained 12-year-old--of either sex--were to try driving on the freeway, no one would be surprised if the results were deadly.

No one is surprised by the conclusion that if young people aren't trained, the results are often terrible.

Now:  The U.S. has been suffering from increasing levels of untrained, uncivilized, violence by young males.  In almost every case those males didn't have solid, responsible fathers in the home.

Liberals and Democrats have a solution.  It's so simple:  Teach boys to act more like girls.

Democrats, liberals and the "elites" think this is a totally great idea--in part because it supports the Dem narrative that men aren't needed to raise good, functional kids.  (That isn't to say that it's impossible to do that without men, but just very rare.)

Seems obvious--at least to some of us--that the main job of a father--second only to keeping your family safe--is to turn your sons into good men.  And it also seems obvious that far too often, boys aren't being turned into good men--in many cases because the father is absent.

No one would expect a person to, say, remove an appendix without being taught how to do it.  Yet Democrats and liberals don't seem to be at all concerned that far too many boys aren't being taught how to be good men.  So as noted above, the Dem/liberal solution is...teach 'em to behave more like girls.

You think I'm just being facetious.  Not at all.  Remember the teacher who went into panic mode because one of her first-graders took a bite out of a pop-tart and made a scary gun shape?  The principal suspended the kid.  Seriously.

Same with the third-grader who drew a picture of a gun in class.

Same for two highschool boys in New Jersey who were suspended for going to a gun range with their families.

How about the numerous teachers who have demanded that parents agree to put their boys on Ritalin because they were "too active"?

How about the huge number of elementary school adminishits who've banned dodgeball?

As I said earlier:  The "fix" proposed by Democrats and liberals for male violence is...teach boys to act more like girls.  But how well does that work?

Let's be honest here:  How often will thugs and crazies buy into the liberal idea of teaching boys to behave like girls?  They won't, ever.  The only boys who will go along are already feminized.  And rational Dems (I know, I know) must know this is true.  But they can't admit it, evah.  Cuz that would reveal the utter insanity of their core beliefs.

I'll readily admit that males are potentially dangerous.  They tend to be impulsive, daring, aggressive.  Without a strong father in the home, they're often violent.  Liberals classify all three of these innate male traits as bad--a decision strongly supported by the beta males who comprise many of the "elites" in this country. 

Teaching boys how to channel these traits into positive directions is what turns boys into good men.

Hat tip Ace of Spades.


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