How civil wars start
Civil wars start as political disagreements. They're eventually decided by guns and dead bodies.
For the last year-and-a-half the U.S. has been in the early stages of a civil war, as Democrat apparatchiks first tried to ensure that the Republican presidential candidate--a man they violently hated--would never win the election.
Many of you--especially college students--probably think that's hyperbole--tinfoil-hat stuff. Crazy conspiracy theory. It's not. We have the actual texts sent by a top FBI investigator to an FBI attorney saying exactly that. Literally.
They were almost certain he wouldn't win, but from texts by a top FBI investigator we now know they were concocting an "insurance policy" to ensure Trump wouldn't win.
Starting at least as early as July of 2016--five months before the election--they conspired to concoct a story that Trump had done bizarre things while visiting Russia. They then used this total fiction to persuade a leftist judge to authorize the NSA to wiretap Trump campaign figures, business associates and family members.
Now that this has finally been exposed toy congressional investigators, Democrat conspirators have used every trick and delaying tactic they can to block release of the 4-page report detailing this outrageous, illegal behavior to the American public.
Civil wars start when two sides disagree on who is to run the country. In civilized countries we decide this by elections. But when one side--or even just a few thousand "elites" on that side--refuse to agree to honest elections, and to abide by the results of same, the whole idea of "representative government" is trashed.
When one side stops accepting election results, the other side is left with a hard choice: Surrender to permanent rule by the other side, or fight.
The approaching civil war is signalled by two huge outrages by the Democrats. The first was the corrupt creation--jointly funded by Hilliary's campaign and the FBI--of the fictitious "Trump dossier." This was used to trigger screams of "collusion" with Russia, and then used to wiretap Trump campaign figures--all in an effort to discredit Trump and ensure a Democrat won the election.
After Trump--against all odds--won, the Democrats started trying to remove him from office--the second outrage. The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done this.
This isn’t mere protest. Not simple disagreement. Historically, if your party loses an election you re-think your policies and ideas and work harder to win the next one. But that's not what's happening here. The Democrats are determined to seize the presidency by any means, ignoring the results of an election they lost.
As Democrat elites seem to see it, Trump winning is inherently illegitimate. They seem to think they're the only party entitled to have power in this country.
Democrats lost their majority control of congress. After eight years of imperial power exercised by their exalted Obama, they lost the White House. So they immediately began trying to block the new president's policies--thus trying to run the country themselves--through federal judges and bureaucrats.
The Dem playbook is that any part of government that they run should get total, unlimited power over the country. When a Dem is president, they suddenly believe that person can do anything--give amnesty to millions of illegal invaders, fine you if you don't have health insurance (unless you're a poor Democrat, of course), buy older cars from citizens for the purpose of destroying them, order the IRS to block opposition organizations--anything at all. Unlimited power. And Dems love it.
But when Republicans win, suddenly Dems scream that the president can’t do anything--to rescind the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented.
When Obama was emperor, the states weren’t even allowed to enforce valid U.S. immigration law. The courts held that that was solely the responsibility of federal agents. If your state was being overrun by illegal invaders, tough. But now that a Republican is president, Dems want the states they rule to be able to create their own immigration laws--"sanctuary states." And they scream that federal should NOT be allowed to enforce valid U.S. immigration law.
Utter reversal. Utter hypocrisy. But that's how they've always operated, with the full help and support of their liberal media.
If you've ever worked for or alongside federal employees, you know 90-plus percent of 'em are rabid Democrats. The Dems have been loading government up with their people for decades. And those people form what has been called the Shadow Government.
Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government go into full resistance mode.
Professional government is a club, and Trump isn’t in it. Worse, he brought in a bunch of people who also weren’t in the club. And now we’re seeing what the members of the "professional government" do when non-members try to enact policies the pro's don't like: They use every tool they have to block, and ultimately to seize the presidency again.
(H/T Daniel Greenfield)
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