January 01, 2018

When a "warmie" starts screaming about global warming, ask 'em these questions

Leftists and Democrats are firm believers in the scary theory that
   a) Earth's climate is warming...
   b) that this alleged warming is unusual and dangerous...
   c) that this alleged warming is caused by carbon dioxide...
   d) ...emitted by humans burning carbon-based fuels (oil, gas, coal and wood)

Of course everyone is obviously free to have an opinion about this--even if they don't know a lick of the science needed to understand it--but if a Lefty starts screaming about how awful it is, you might want to see if your opponent knows even the most basic elements about science or if they're just echoing political (Dem/Leftist) talking points.

To find out which, ask 'em if they can answer these questions.  And don't be surprised if they're unwilling to even try to answer more than a couple.
What is the "heat of fusion" of water?
Which is the more powerful "greenhouse gas:" CO2 or water vapor?
What's the definition of an ohm?
What is sublimation?
How many molecules of CO2 are there in 4.4 grams of CO2 ?
What's the specific heat of water?
What items relevant to climate, specifically, are measured and learned from ice cores?
One kilocalorie is how many kilojoules?
What color or band is light with a wavelength of 800 nm ?
What is the significance of the "2" in Einsteins Equation ?
Name a substance that expands when it solidifies.
Explain what is meant by "the value of Y asymptotically approaches the limit L"?
By what mechanism do proponents of AGW claim CO2 is causing global warming?
For the AGW theory to be plausible, must rising temperature lead increases in CO2 levels, or trail them? 


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