December 28, 2017

Olympic committee now says transgender males can compete as females without surgery

It's pretty well known that men are physically stronger than women, so until 2003 men weren't allowed to compete in womens' olympic events.

But the IOC being composed of wacked-out snowflakes, in 2003 they trashed this extremely reasonable idea, ruling that men could compete as women if they'd had "sex reassignment surgery."

Of course as you could easily have predicted, this wasn't enough of a concession for the trans lobby, and it didn't take 'em long to start pushing for that last restriction to be trashed as well.  And sure enough, in January of 2016 the IOC caved, saying no surgery was necessary.  Instead all that was needed was that men desiring to compete as women had to keep their testosterone levels below a certain level.

The totally side-splitting thing about this is that the IOC claims its new rules aren't actually rules per se, but merely "guidelines" couched as "recommendations" for international sports federations and other bodies to follow.

IOC officials said they changed the "policy"--remember, they're not rules-- "to adapt to current scientific, social and legal attitudes on transgender issues."

Let me know when you've stopped laughing.

IOC medical director Dr Richard Budgett said “I don’t think many federations have rules on defining eligibility of transgender individual.  This should give them the confidence and stimulus to put these rules in place.”

Wait, I thought the IOC just said these were merely "guidelines," NOT rules.  Maybe it was a translation error, eh?

So, do you think this is unfair to women?  While it's great that the men wishing to compete as women will have low T levels, that doesn't undo their longer bones or greater muscle mass.

I'd guess that if you're a parent of a competitive female athlete, you might think this is unfair.  But of course it's far, far more important to protect the feelings and rights of 3 or 4 transgender males than to go back to the "old, outmoded" system, protecting the rights of thousands of female athletes.

And if you disagree with that you're a hater!


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