Leaked: Democrat objectives for 2018
One of our spies has leaked this document to us:
1. Fan hate against GOP and TRUMP
2. Impeach Trump; Pence will be easy to control.
3. Promise more FREE STUFF to base: The slogan "free college tuition for everyone" has tested *very* well with millenials. As has the phrase "We'll make rich republicans pay for everything."
4. Open Borders; keep pushing "compassion" and "Rethuglicans wanna break up families!" The slogan "Democrats will end the awful Republican policy of breaking up loving families" tests very well.
4a. Supporting "DREAMERS." Our consultants say this tests *very* well, since no one can possibly be against "dreamers."
[editor's note: Democrats are masters at crafting acronyms for bills and programs that sound totally different from what the program really is. Coming up with the name "Dream act" required some huge leaps. It stands for "Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors." "Development"?]
5. Stress the theme that Trump's elimination of regulations puts your children in danger. The following phrase tests *very* well: "The rules and regulations Trump has thoughtlessly killed were put in place by caring Democrats to keep your children safe. Killing those rules shows Republicans are willing to kill your kids to please their corporate masters."
6. Keep pushing "Single Payer health care." Stress that it will be "free to you." Do NOT use the phrase "nationalized health care" as that makes many voters uneasy.
7. Keep telling voters that Trump's tax bill gave millions to the rich and corporations but only $50 or so to them. (Our media friends are deleting references to articles that described President Obama's one-time $40 tax rebate as a fabulous benefit.)
8. Push the meme that Democrats as "the *true* patriots." No need to explain what that actually means -- our media allies know not to ask.
9. Keep pushing the meme that Republicans hate all immigrants, whether legal or "temporarily undocumented." The phrase "Why do Republicans hate immigrants so much? After all, almost all of us are immigrants" has tested very well.
10. "Collusion between Trump and Putin to steal the election" still tests very well. Thanks to our media friends almost half of all Americans believe there's no way Trump could have won without outside help. Our polls show our base is still very fired up about this, so we'll be pushing this through the mid-term elections and into the 2020 campaign.
11. Keep pushing the meme that Trump's whole family has values that are alien to most Americans. Don't say "wealth is bad"--our advisors tell us listeners will fill that in by themselves. But keep reminding voters that *Trump* and his family have values vastly different from ordinary Americans. Our focus groups show that listeners will interpret that as uniquely bad.
12. Legalization of marijuana in more states: Thanks to a few of our governors leading the way, this is no longer a controversial issue but actually wins votes. But more important, pushing this nets our party *huge* contributions.
13. "Social justice" is a huge winner and should be constantly pushed. But see the caveat below: Best approach is to simply say you support "social justice," without going into any detail.
Topics to avoid (unless you're in a special district):
* transgender issues; the trans block already supports us, and polls show pushing trans bathrooms and locker-rooms cost us votes last year;
* "Black Lives Matter:" While we totally support our colleagues from majority-black districts, candidates from non-majority-minority districts should avoid mentioning BLM by name. Instead, just emphasize that Democrats totally support "social-justice," without going into detail. Polls show that everyone supports justice.
* Unless you're running in California or Texas, don't mention citizenship for children brought in by DACA. Our polls say this is a vote-loser with most middle-class voters. If you get a direct question on this, the phrase "We need to show compassion for poor young immigrants," tests well. Another good response is "This is outside my area of expertise, so I'll have to defer to Speaker Pelosi and other experts on this topic."
1. Fan hate against GOP and TRUMP
2. Impeach Trump; Pence will be easy to control.
3. Promise more FREE STUFF to base: The slogan "free college tuition for everyone" has tested *very* well with millenials. As has the phrase "We'll make rich republicans pay for everything."
4. Open Borders; keep pushing "compassion" and "Rethuglicans wanna break up families!" The slogan "Democrats will end the awful Republican policy of breaking up loving families" tests very well.
4a. Supporting "DREAMERS." Our consultants say this tests *very* well, since no one can possibly be against "dreamers."
[editor's note: Democrats are masters at crafting acronyms for bills and programs that sound totally different from what the program really is. Coming up with the name "Dream act" required some huge leaps. It stands for "Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors." "Development"?]
5. Stress the theme that Trump's elimination of regulations puts your children in danger. The following phrase tests *very* well: "The rules and regulations Trump has thoughtlessly killed were put in place by caring Democrats to keep your children safe. Killing those rules shows Republicans are willing to kill your kids to please their corporate masters."
6. Keep pushing "Single Payer health care." Stress that it will be "free to you." Do NOT use the phrase "nationalized health care" as that makes many voters uneasy.
7. Keep telling voters that Trump's tax bill gave millions to the rich and corporations but only $50 or so to them. (Our media friends are deleting references to articles that described President Obama's one-time $40 tax rebate as a fabulous benefit.)
8. Push the meme that Democrats as "the *true* patriots." No need to explain what that actually means -- our media allies know not to ask.
9. Keep pushing the meme that Republicans hate all immigrants, whether legal or "temporarily undocumented." The phrase "Why do Republicans hate immigrants so much? After all, almost all of us are immigrants" has tested very well.
10. "Collusion between Trump and Putin to steal the election" still tests very well. Thanks to our media friends almost half of all Americans believe there's no way Trump could have won without outside help. Our polls show our base is still very fired up about this, so we'll be pushing this through the mid-term elections and into the 2020 campaign.
11. Keep pushing the meme that Trump's whole family has values that are alien to most Americans. Don't say "wealth is bad"--our advisors tell us listeners will fill that in by themselves. But keep reminding voters that *Trump* and his family have values vastly different from ordinary Americans. Our focus groups show that listeners will interpret that as uniquely bad.
12. Legalization of marijuana in more states: Thanks to a few of our governors leading the way, this is no longer a controversial issue but actually wins votes. But more important, pushing this nets our party *huge* contributions.
13. "Social justice" is a huge winner and should be constantly pushed. But see the caveat below: Best approach is to simply say you support "social justice," without going into any detail.
Topics to avoid (unless you're in a special district):
* transgender issues; the trans block already supports us, and polls show pushing trans bathrooms and locker-rooms cost us votes last year;
* "Black Lives Matter:" While we totally support our colleagues from majority-black districts, candidates from non-majority-minority districts should avoid mentioning BLM by name. Instead, just emphasize that Democrats totally support "social-justice," without going into detail. Polls show that everyone supports justice.
* Unless you're running in California or Texas, don't mention citizenship for children brought in by DACA. Our polls say this is a vote-loser with most middle-class voters. If you get a direct question on this, the phrase "We need to show compassion for poor young immigrants," tests well. Another good response is "This is outside my area of expertise, so I'll have to defer to Speaker Pelosi and other experts on this topic."
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