December 29, 2017

WaPo does 4000-word piece on sex harassment in Obama's DOJ w/o mentioning Holder, Lynch or Obama

Wanna see yet another example of how the Lying Mainstream Media cunningly provide cover for both wrongdoing, incompetence and negligence by Democrat politicians?  Check out this article in the Washington Post.

It's 4000 words on sexual harassment in Obama's laughably-misnamed "Justice Department."  According to a report by DOJ's inspector-general, victims repeatedly complained to superiors, yet the perps were almost never punished or even called to account.  Insteaad the perps even got bonuses and promotions.

The I-G was looking at incidents that reportedly occurred when Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch were the federal government's top law-enforcement officials (i.e. attorneys-general), appointed by Obama.

Now for the "cover" part:  As noted above, all the incidents reported by the I-G occurred while either Eric "gun-runner' Holder or Loretta "accidental meeting" Lynch were running the DOJ.  Yet in 4000 words,WaPo reporter Sari Horwitz never mentions either one, nor that both were hand-picked by the emperor.

So, for example, a teenager reading the WaPo story could easily assume that the harassment had occurred under Attorney-general Sessions, appointed by the eeeebil Donald Trump, the man the Lying Media have repeatedly said is the worst president evah!

If this had happened under an A-G appointed by a Republican, ya think ol' Sari would have rushed over to that A-G's new digs and asked "What did you know about this and when did you know it?  What did you do to stop this, and to see to it that perps were fired or otherwise punished?"

But since it happened when Democrats were running the show, she'd never even think of asking the obvious questions.  Cuz doing so would hurt her party.


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