October 02, 2017

"We will not comply." But we still *demand* you grant us U.S. citizenship.

Consider, if you will, the pic below:

This is a group of illegal aliens in the U.S., demanding--yes, demanding--that they be allowed to stay here, despite being here illegally.  If this strikes you as utterly tone-deaf and charmless, it should.

Note the charmless graphic in red:  "We will not comply."

Ah.  One is momentarily tempted to ask "What is it that you won't comply with?"  But asking is pointless, because the answer is, Whatever you want them to do, or whichever of our valid laws you want them to comply with, they refuse.  Period.

And yet they demand--demand-- that we accept them.

Democrats want you to surrender to that demand.  They want you to believe that these people--proud lawbreakers--will somehow magically turn into good, solid U.S. citizens if only we surrender to their demands.

Of course if we do that they'll certainly vote Democrat for their entire lives, so at least there's that.

Oh, and ON AVERAGE, each one will bring in six more of their family members, demanding that they too be given U.S. citizenship.

Hell of a deal, if you're a Democrat.


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