October 03, 2017

Story below is from a site that seems a bit sensationalistic, so may need to verify.

MADISON, Wis. - Police revived a 30-year-old man from a heroin overdose.  When the guy regained consciousness, the man told the cops this was the 19th time he'd overdosed on heroin and been revived, officials said.

Consider that for a minute.

How many more times will this guy overdose before a rational person concluded that he obvious wants to kill himself?  If that's right, how much money should taxpayers be willing to spend to rescue him from something he obviously wants to do?

As liberals see it, cops should keep reviving him no matter how often he tries to OD.  We should keep doing this even if the maker of the antidote drug doubles or triples the price (as they're trying to do).

Seems strange to me but then I'm not a liberal.  If the guy is so unhappy in this life, let him go on to the great beyond and try for a better situation next time.


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