Obama holdover in FBI still refusing to turn over public records re Hilliary's emails!!
Most Americans have probably forgotten that a year or two ago there was some sort of...um...minor controversy concerning Dem presidential candidate Hilliary Clinton using a private, unsecure email server she'd set up in her New York estate. You may vaguely recall that some crazy Republicans claimed she had a private email address separate from her official State Department email addy, and might just possibly have done official government business from the private account--which is supposedly a no-no.
Oh wait, that's right: Hilliary never had any official government email account while she was the nation's top diplomat, entrusted with Top Secret information. Instead she did all official business from her private (non-government, thus un-reviewable), non-secure email account.
Gosh, why would she have refused to use an official government email account?
About the only possible conclusion is that she wanted to avoid ever having the public see any emails she wanted kept secret. Like, emails that would show she'd done something unethical or even (gasp!) broken the law.
No, wait...that's crazy talk, cuz the law requires that she turn over all communications regarding official government business to the government archives. For her to refuse to do that...well, that would be illegal. And could anyone imagine that Hilliary Rodham Clinton would do something illegal? Heaven forbid.
Well...When James Comey (former head of the FBI) testified before congress (on live TV) in July of last year, the nation learned that when FBI agents interviewed Hilliary about this email server, they somehow failed to make an audio recording of that interview. And you're not gonna believe this but the allegedly-"professional" yahoos at the FBI ALSO failed to have a court reporter present, so there's also no stenographic record of what she said!
All of which means no one except the agents present have any idea of what she actually said. Or what she was asked.
Wow. And I'll beet you thought the FBI was honest and professional, eh?
So when Hilliary left her post as SecState she simply, flatly refused to turn over her official emails to the government. Amazingly, a handful of mean ol' Rethuglicans had a problem with this. But the RINOs on the committee refused to hold Hilly accountable for obeying the law, so a couple of private "watchdog" groups sued the government, demanding she turn over her official records.
Hilly stonewalled for months, then finally had her attorneys "examine" her 50,000 emails to identify and turn over any official records.
They did this NOT by reading 'em, but by doing a "keyword search" of the subject lines of emails. (Yeah, as if you were doing something illegal you'd put "Re our conversation about bribery" in the subject line! You bet.)
The attorneys turned over a few thousand, and shortly after that she had her secret email server (computer) "wiped"--meaning the contents couldn't be recovered. But that's certainly no reason to suspect her of any criminal activity, no sir!
So last September--while Obozo was still emperor--then-House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz asked emperor Obozo's investigators in the laughably mis-named "Just Us" department to examine whether Secretary Clinton or her employees or contractors violated laws prohibiting the destruction of official government records, obstruction of congressional inquiries, and concealment or cover up of evidence material to a congressional investigation.” In other words, had Hilliary turned over every email concerning official State Department business, or had she erased a few thousand?
Amazingly (!), Obozo's corrupt attorney-general--Lying Loretta Lynch--refused to do anything. And if Hilliary had won the election that would have been the end of it. (Fortunately....) So the same "watchdog" groups made a freedom-of-info request of the new FBI--under Sessions--to get copies of the evidence that the congressional committee sent to Obozo's Just Us department.
Amazingly, even with new Trump attorney-general Sessions in charge, some Obozo holdover at the FBI refused to turn over documents related to its investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, citing a lack of public interest to justify denying a FOIA request for the records.
The head of the FBI Records Management Division [note this rat-bastard isn't named] wrote the attorney who filed the FOIA request, saying the FBI wouldn't give him the records he'd requested. The excuse the FBI records manager gave was
Astonishingly, the FBI records guy asked the requester to explain why exactly he believed the public had an interest in viewing the requested documents.
The attorney who'd asked for the records responded by saying he was astonished that the FBI would ask him to explain why the public had an interest in those documents. “Frankly, I am stunned I should have to explain why my request pertains to a matter of public interest.”
In a recent interview he said “I’m stunned. This is exactly what I would have expected had Mrs. Clinton won the election. It looks like the Obama Administration is still running the FBI.”
Indeed. The entire government is absolutely full of Obama loyalists who are hell-bent on blocking every Trump initiative and policy. And they're succeeding.
Most Americans have probably forgotten that a year or two ago there was some sort of...um...minor controversy concerning Dem presidential candidate Hilliary Clinton using a private, unsecure email server she'd set up in her New York estate. You may vaguely recall that some crazy Republicans claimed she had a private email address separate from her official State Department email addy, and might just possibly have done official government business from the private account--which is supposedly a no-no.
Oh wait, that's right: Hilliary never had any official government email account while she was the nation's top diplomat, entrusted with Top Secret information. Instead she did all official business from her private (non-government, thus un-reviewable), non-secure email account.
Gosh, why would she have refused to use an official government email account?
About the only possible conclusion is that she wanted to avoid ever having the public see any emails she wanted kept secret. Like, emails that would show she'd done something unethical or even (gasp!) broken the law.
No, wait...that's crazy talk, cuz the law requires that she turn over all communications regarding official government business to the government archives. For her to refuse to do that...well, that would be illegal. And could anyone imagine that Hilliary Rodham Clinton would do something illegal? Heaven forbid.
Well...When James Comey (former head of the FBI) testified before congress (on live TV) in July of last year, the nation learned that when FBI agents interviewed Hilliary about this email server, they somehow failed to make an audio recording of that interview. And you're not gonna believe this but the allegedly-"professional" yahoos at the FBI ALSO failed to have a court reporter present, so there's also no stenographic record of what she said!
All of which means no one except the agents present have any idea of what she actually said. Or what she was asked.
Wow. And I'll beet you thought the FBI was honest and professional, eh?
So when Hilliary left her post as SecState she simply, flatly refused to turn over her official emails to the government. Amazingly, a handful of mean ol' Rethuglicans had a problem with this. But the RINOs on the committee refused to hold Hilly accountable for obeying the law, so a couple of private "watchdog" groups sued the government, demanding she turn over her official records.
Hilly stonewalled for months, then finally had her attorneys "examine" her 50,000 emails to identify and turn over any official records.
They did this NOT by reading 'em, but by doing a "keyword search" of the subject lines of emails. (Yeah, as if you were doing something illegal you'd put "Re our conversation about bribery" in the subject line! You bet.)
The attorneys turned over a few thousand, and shortly after that she had her secret email server (computer) "wiped"--meaning the contents couldn't be recovered. But that's certainly no reason to suspect her of any criminal activity, no sir!
So last September--while Obozo was still emperor--then-House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz asked emperor Obozo's investigators in the laughably mis-named "Just Us" department to examine whether Secretary Clinton or her employees or contractors violated laws prohibiting the destruction of official government records, obstruction of congressional inquiries, and concealment or cover up of evidence material to a congressional investigation.” In other words, had Hilliary turned over every email concerning official State Department business, or had she erased a few thousand?
Amazingly (!), Obozo's corrupt attorney-general--Lying Loretta Lynch--refused to do anything. And if Hilliary had won the election that would have been the end of it. (Fortunately....) So the same "watchdog" groups made a freedom-of-info request of the new FBI--under Sessions--to get copies of the evidence that the congressional committee sent to Obozo's Just Us department.
Amazingly, even with new Trump attorney-general Sessions in charge, some Obozo holdover at the FBI refused to turn over documents related to its investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, citing a lack of public interest to justify denying a FOIA request for the records.
The head of the FBI Records Management Division [note this rat-bastard isn't named] wrote the attorney who filed the FOIA request, saying the FBI wouldn't give him the records he'd requested. The excuse the FBI records manager gave was
“You have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject. Therefore, records regarding your subject are withheld pursuant to FOIA exemptions.”
Astonishingly, the FBI records guy asked the requester to explain why exactly he believed the public had an interest in viewing the requested documents.
The attorney who'd asked for the records responded by saying he was astonished that the FBI would ask him to explain why the public had an interest in those documents. “Frankly, I am stunned I should have to explain why my request pertains to a matter of public interest.”
In a recent interview he said “I’m stunned. This is exactly what I would have expected had Mrs. Clinton won the election. It looks like the Obama Administration is still running the FBI.”
Indeed. The entire government is absolutely full of Obama loyalists who are hell-bent on blocking every Trump initiative and policy. And they're succeeding.
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