September 07, 2017

Teacher kicks a student out of class for wearing a Trump T-shirt and hat

A high school student in Georgia wore a Trump tee-shirt and "MAGA" hat to class.  In response, a teacher kicked the kid out of class, saying “You cannot wear a swastika to school … you cannot wear ‘Make America Great Again’ like that.”

Other students captured the entire exchange on cell-phone video and posted it on-line--meaning the Nazi teacher can't lie about the exchange or deny it happened.

For the record, the shirt didn't have a swastika on it, or anything looking like a swastika.  The snowflake teacher was just hyperventilating.

Back when the emperor was in office, do you recall a single teacher anywhere in the country kicking a kid out of class for wearing a tee-shirt with an Obama logo on it, or his pic, or any of his sayings?

No, you don't, because even though thousands of kids wore Obama crap to school, not a single one was ever kicked out of class for doing so.  Because the teachers and adminishits loved it.  And even if one teacher didn't, he or she would never have dared to kick the kid out of class, because it would have sent Democrats into a frenzy.

If that had happened the NY Times and WaPo would have run the story on their front pages. 

Can you say "double standard"?

Can't wait for the Times to go bankrupt.

Update:  The superintendent of the school system apologized, but refused to say if the teacher would be reprimanded in any way.

Most teachers are socialists and Democrats.  And they're teaching your kids how wonderful socialism is. 

And you're paying 'em to do that.  Hell of a deal, eh?


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