September 10, 2017

Fashion mag for teen girls--edited by a militant gay male--publishes guide to anal sex. And then...

Okay, this is way outside my usual scope but I think it's...revealing...about what the Lying Mainstream Media is really doing:

The editor of "Teen Vogue"--which I gather has been some sort of fashion guide for teen girls--is an in-your-face militant gay guy named of Phillip Picard.  You can just look at this guy's pic on his twitter feed and see he's way off the deep end.  

Here's the kind of thing he pushes:
Gen Z will be our queerest and most fearless generation yet.
Now keep in mind:  this guy is editing a so-called fashion guide for teenage girls.  But of course he'll be careful not to let any pro-gay bias get into his mag, right?

Hahahahahaha!  Been on this planet long, sailor?
As an aside:  If you're not homosexual you have to wonder how the hell a gay male could possibly be selected to edit a teen girl fashion guide mag, eh?  Yeah, well--maybe ask the owner?  Was Picardi the only human the owner could find who knew to edit a mag?  Naw, don't think so.  But anyway...

For the most recent issue, Picardi okayed a guide to anal sex for teen girls.

When parents found out, a whole bunch of 'em were...upset, and fired off tweets on his twitter page.

Picardi responded by tweeting a pic of him kissing a man while give them the middle finger.  He added "here's my only reply I'll be giving to any of the messages."

On Picardi's twitter page one mother--Elizabeth Johnston, who tweets under the name "Activist Mommy"--tweeted "Congratulations Phillip--a sodomite mag just awarded you for teaching kids sodomy.  Way to recruit there!"

Oooh, big mistake, Elizabeth.  You can't say anything negative about homosexuals--or even use a word like "sodomite"--without them going crazy.

And YouTube "de-monitized" her video commentaries, costing her money.

Many gays seem to be nice folks.  But the "gay mafia" that runs outfits like Twitter, Google, YouTube and other social media is hell-bent on beating down anyone who expresses an opinion of gays that they don't like.

These same sites are also starting to ban people who say a critical word about Islam. 

Just so y'all know.


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