September 04, 2017

More and more FAKE news from the Lyiing Media

Recently the Lying Mainstream Media erupted with the breaking-"news"-claim that Secretary of Defense (and General) Mattis was defying President Trump, refusing to carry out Trump's ban on "trans-gender" troops in the U.S. military!

The breathless stories went on to say that Mattis would instead take no action until the Pentagon had time to study the issue.
For example, USA Today headlined its story,
"Mattis freezes transgender policy; allows troops to continue serving, pending study."  
Slate ran the headline,
"Mattis Freezes Trump’s Transgender Ban Pending Further Review by People Other Than the President."
LGBT Weekly ran the headline,
"Mattis delays Trump’s ban on transgender service members,"
And those were just a few of the false reports.

You'll all be shocked to find that like so many other Lying Mainstream Media stories, this one also turned out to be fake news.  Mattis issued a statement saying “The department will carry out the president's policy direction.”  He added that he would “establish a panel of experts serving within the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to provide advice and recommendations on the implementation of the president's direction”--which the media apparently interpreted as "We won't comply."

By running the breathless stories implying that Mattis was defying the president, the media added to the growing sense of Americans that Trump's ban on transgenders isn't supported by the military, when nothing could be farther from the truth.

The whole Obama effort to force the military to accept transgenders in the military, and to then force the military to pay for sex-change operations, under the rationale of providing "health care" for active-duty personnel, was designed to hurt military morale, deployment effectiveness and budget.  
It was a cunning initiative.  Fortunately we now have a president who--for all his many flaws--is looking out for America's best interests rather than trying to destroy "fundamentally transform" this country into a second-rate nation.


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