August 11, 2010

The 'Elites' think you are...dumb trash.

It has occurred to many of us "non-elites"--a.k.a. the "little people"--that the Elites--journolisters, newsreaders, network munchkins, politicians etc. frankly don't think much of us.

That, of course, is far too euphemistic: They view you (us) with complete and utter contempt.

In the famous words of one Democratic muck-a-muck, they see us as clinging to guns, the Bible and...was it NASCAR? Can't recall.

Oh, and they are unalterably convinced we are stupid.

One of their great laugh-lines of the last campaign was how stupid Sarah Palin was: They just howled over that stupid "I can see Russia from my porch" comment. And to this day many of 'em think she really said that.

Wow, talk about dumb.

Because of course that line was actually delivered by Tina Fey in a skit impersonating Palin.

Now the Elites seem to be getting even more polarized against the ordinary folks than ever before. This can be seen in their speeches and articles, but more objectively in the numbers: Issues that polls show Americans opposing by margins of two or three to one are being rammed into law by the Democrat supermajority in congress.

They simply won't listen. Literally.

Example: during the last big push for the Orwellian-titled "comprehensive immigration reform" two years ago, many congresswhores simply unplugged their phones when angry constituents began flooding 'em with calls. The members simply refused to listen to the complaints of the people they are elected--and paid--to represent.

What do you do with people who are that arrogant?

One obvious answer is to try to vote them out of office. Problem is, some of these rat bastards are from Democrat-safe districts. Think Charlie Rangel--he couldn't lose an election if you caught him on tape stuffing cash bribes into his briefcase.

Like the Democratic member of congress from New Orleans who had $100,000 in cash in his freezer.

Another small problem with just voting the corrupt, arrogant bastards out of office is that they'll still collect their bloated taxpayer-funded pensions for the rest of their lives.

If we do get a conservative majority in the House this November, let me suggest as one of the first items of business introducing a very clean, short bill amending congressional pensions so they don't vest before 8 years of service. That way a clearly awful member who couldn't win re-election enough to make the cut couldn't live off the rest of us for the rest of his/her life.

The measure would never pass the Senate, of course. But introducing it would put the Dems on the spot--if they openly opposed it, voters would notice. So they'd have to torpedo it *quietly* and hope no one noticed.

Maybe conservative members need to craft a new set of points to promise voters they'll introduce if they get a majority.

Just don't call it "a Contract with America."


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