August 10, 2010

Greg Gutfeld "reaches out" to backers of NYC "community center"

Greg Gutfeld has been watching the controversy about "Cordoba House"--supposedly a "Muslim community center with a small prayer space"--which they plan to build two to three blocks from "Ground Zero." (The center's supporters are adamant that the center will NOT be "on" Ground Zero, as opponents have claimed. Weasel-technical correction duly noted.)

Lots of Americans see building this "Islamic center" this as a provocation--something about Muslim fanatics hijacking some airliners about nine years ago. (I dunno, I wasn't in New York so I didn't get the details.) But its supporters say the center is intended as a form of "outreach" to Americans.

Greg was intrigued by this notion of "outreach" from Muslims to Americans, and thought he'd give it a try going the other way. Being a sensitive guy, Greg had noticed that gay Muslims had a hard time cruising bars because Islam forbids alcohol. So...he announced plans to open the city's first non-alcoholic Islamic oriented gay bar in one of the vacant properties across the street from the proposed mosque.

He sought comment on this from Ground Zero mosque organizers about whether they would appreciate his efforts to make life easier for gay Muslims--you know, in the spirit of outreach, encouraging tolerance of different lifestyles and all.

Their response?

.@greggutfeld You're free to open whatever you like. If you won't consider the sensibilities of Muslims, you're not going to build dialog
Ah. So the Imams are saying Greg's plan will offend the sensibilities of Muslims.
Got it.

And opening a Muslim-oriented gay bar, they say--even if non-alcoholic--will not "build dialog."
Got it.

But Muslims offending the sensibilities of Americans--by building a Muslim center a scant two blocks from the place where their more outspoken co-religionists killed 2800 Americans nine years ago--now that's building dialog, baby.

And the Left/"progressives"/Democrats are actually helping these assholes, under the cure-all mantra of "tolerance."

Deluded rat-bastards, the lot of 'em.


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