June 09, 2024

biden fakes being tough on border...but Border Patrol memo instructs agents to release migrants from nearly all Eastern Hemisphere countries

Hey citizens, didja hear the great newz?  Last Tuesday your brilliant, totally competent prezzie said he finally gon' get tough about duh wide open southern border! [note 1]

Of course he din' need ta doo dis, cuz duh southern border was already, like, totally secure, right?  Duh faaabulous Mayorkas, and duh faaabulous lesbian press secretary, an' biden hisself constantly tol' ya duh southern border was totally secure.  So dere ya go.

So even though duh border was totally secure, your prezzy used the short bleat on Tuesday to announce he was "moving past Republican obstruction and using executive authorities available to me as president to do what I can on my own to address the border."

Isn't dat jus' DREAMY, citizen?  He is SUCH a powerful leader!

Wait...if duh border wuz totally secure before, why did he need to "address the border"?

Nevermind, too "nuanced" for you deplorables to unnerstan.
See, "nuanced" is duh word dey trots out to tell ya to shut up an' stop aksin questions.

So biden say he gon' tighten duh already-totally-secure border.  An' him mouth move, an' souns cum out.  So even if yew don' unnerstan whut he sayin' yew know it beez guud cuz he duh preznit.

But wait...whut dis?  Some skanky paper in DC got hold of a "memo" by high official in border patrol to border patrol lackeys in San Diego sector--after your faaabulous preznit's executive order banning asylum for most illegal crossers supposedly took effect last week.

It prolly tells duh agents how to "ban asylum for most illegal crossers, eh?  Sure.  Wonder whut it say?
Dis odd: it orders agents in the San Diego sector to release ALL single adults illegally entering the U.S. from all but six countries in the Eastern Hemisphere, and to then officially classify those persons as "hard" or "very hard" to remove.

Wait...dis can't be right, cuz this memo was sent out after duh preznit's executive order banning asylum for most illegal immigrants took effect last week.  Okay, we not smaht like Hahvahd grads, but it sure seem like lettin' em all in doesn't square wif "We gon' make it harder to git in."  Somethin' odd goin' on, eh?

Turns out there are over 100 countries in the "eastern hemisphere."  And the memo orders Border Patrol to allow fighting-age males from 94 of those 100-plus nations to walk right into the U.S. and promptly be released to go anywhere they want.

Illegals from only six countries are NOT to be instantly released to go anywhere in the U.S: Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan.  Everyone else?  Come right in!

So since there are more than 100 countries in the eastern hemisphere, then under biden's supposedly "new, tough" executive order, contra to biden's bleating that his order is reeeally gonna reduce the number of illegals allowed to waltz in, roughly 96% of illegals from eastern hemisphere nations who enter the U.S. illegally in the San Diego sector are still being released into the U.S.

biden's new ORDER also doesn't apply to unaccompanied children or to those judged to be "victims of severe forms of trafficking," or to any illegal who schedules an appointment on the CBP One app at a port of entry, where about 1,500 enter each day.  Wow.

There is also an exception for illegals "based on the totality of the circumstances, including consideration of significant law enforcement, officer and public safety, urgent humanitarian and public health interests that warrant permitting the noncitizen to enter."  Wow, that's a shitload of bureaubabble.  Gobblespeak.  Bafflegab.  What it means is, if biden and the dems want you to enter, this catchall clause will do the trick.

Wonder how much an illegal alien has to pay to be, say, a double-murderer in Guatemala but still get to enter the U.S. and be released under this paragraph of horseshit?

Democrat voter: "Wait...none of dis can be true!  Cuz duh WaPo said biden's ORDER was gon' reduce duh number of illegals enterin' duh U.S!   Whut yew sed won't do dat!  The Post would nevah lie to us!"

Sure, sparky.  You bet.  Unless it would help Democrats win the presidency again.


Note 1: biden has only been declared incompetent to stand trial for anything.  Otherwise he's perfectly competent in every respect.



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