April 06, 2024

Deplorable has a Q&A with a liberal climate expert

For years now Democrats have been shrieking that CO2 is killing the planet by...wait for it...causing the climate to warm at a dangerous, unprecedented rate.

So I found a female pyrsyn at the Washington Post who claimed to be an expert on climate, as well as a social media influencer."  I won't name her because I don't want to get her fired, so will just refer to her as "T.L."

Me: "So, I see that two years ago your president got his Democrat supporters in the senate to pass a law appropriating $7.5 BILLION to build 500,000 charging stations for the electric vehicles he wants us all to drive."

WaPo climate expert "T.L.": "Well actually our party doesn't want anyone below GS-13 rank to drive.  You should all use public transit, or if you need to go hundreds of miles, go by train. But yes, that law was absolutely faabulous!  It's the only way we can save all life on Earth!"

Me: "Okay, it's been two years now.  How's that project coming along?"

WaPo expert "T.L.": "Umm...I'm not exactly sure, but undoubtedly faabulously, on schedule and at the budgeted cost, since that's the way the Democrat party does things."

Me: "What if I told you the biden regime had only built seven charging stations in two years?"

WaPo expert: "That's absurd.  You just made that up!"

Me: "Well here's the article.  See for yourself.  'Climate Solutions: Biden’s $7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years."

WaPo exp: "That has to be fake!  You just make stuff up, like all right-wing extremists!  I think that's HATE SPEECH! and you should be jailed!"

Me: "You did notice that that story, with that exact headline, was printed by your newzpaper, right?"


WaPo exp: "You're threatening me!"

Me: "Okay, let's try another tack: What percent of the planet's atmosphere is CO2?"

"T.L.":  "420 parts per million, or 0.042 percent."

Me: "And you find that alarming."

T.L.:  "Absolutely.  If it gets much higher we're all gonna die!"

Me: "So would you say anything that was spewing, say, 800 parts per million should be banned, since that's almost twice the current level of CO2?"

T.L: "Absolutely.  No question.  We just can't have cars and industries emitting that much deadly CO2!"

Me: "Okay, so how about 2,000 parts per million?"

T.L:  "I'd push to have whoever was responsible executed, for killing the planet!"

Me: "How about 4,000 ppm?"

T.L:  "Painful execution.  Do you have a point?"

Me:  "Looks like you're due for a painful execution."

T.L:  "Are you threatening me again?  What are you talking about?"

Me:  "You just volunteered to be executed, because you're breathing."

T.L:  "What kind of stupid trickery is this?"

Me:  "When you exhale, your breath contains 4,500 parts per million of CO2."

T.L:  "That's crazy-talk!  No one could possibly live if they had that much CO2 in their lungs!"

Me:  "Well here's the link to a government publication--in fact the NIH.  From what I've heard they're most unlikely to support conservatives."


T.L:  "Umm...I'm gonna have our 'Trusted Source' fact-checkers look at this, cuz I don't believe it for a minute!"

Me:  "What a surprise.  Let's try another point: Do you think 420 ppm is dangerously high?

T.L:  "Absolutely!  The average temperature of our Gaia rises every year!  The correlation is perfect!  CO2 causes temperature to rise!"

Me: "So if the CO2 level doubled, to, say, 900 ppm, would the planet be to hot for life to be likely to survive?"

T.L:  "Almost certainly.  You're probably not educated enough to have heard of a thing we discussed at Harvard called 'thermal runaway,' which says global warming, caused by rising CO2 levels, will cause far more CO2 to be released from the oceans, so the temperature would rise even faster than the models predict."

Me:  "Okay, so would that be even more certain if CO2 reached, say, 2,000 ppm?"

T.L:  "Absolutely."

Me:  "How about 4,000 ppm?"

T.L:  "Do you have a point here?"

Me:  "Of course.  If scores of scientists, working independently, found that Earth's atmosphere once contained 6,000 ppm CO2, would 'thermal runaway' have allowed life to survive?"

T.L:  "No.  But that's absurd.  If CO2 had reached anywhere close to that level all life on Earth would have been killed!"

Me:  "For a dumb, self-important liberal you look fairly lifelike."

T.L:  "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Me:  "We know Earth's atmosphere once contained 6,000 ppm of CO2, and yet you're still here."

T.L:  "That's impossible.  You're making things up again!"

Me:  "No, it's just that you aren't nearly as smart or well educated as you claim to be.  You bully anyone who dares to call you out on your abysmal ignorance.  Here's liberals' favorite Sciency source, Wiki:
>>There is evidence for high CO2 concentrations of over 6,000 ppm between 600 and 400 million years ago.>>


T.L:  "I don't understand."

Me:  "That's evident."

T.L:  "I mean, how did you insert your right-wing-extremist, pro-oil, pro-capitalist lies *into a Wiki page?*  You're a big meanie, and just jealous of me because I'm a TikTok influencer and a WaPo star!"

Me:  "Yes, that must be it."



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