March 10, 2024

Porridgebrain apologizes for calling scum who killed nursing student an "illegal alien"

During the vile State of the (beaten down) Union speech last Thursday by the lying sack of s*it the Democrats installed as prezzy, a GOP congressman (actually MTG) yelled at the sack for failing even to mention the name of the Georgia nursing student killed by the illegal alien.

The cunning white house handlers had anticipated this, and had a button placed right next to the vegetable's podium as a prop, with instructions on what to do if this happened.  He picked up the prop and clearly said "Lincoln Riley."

Except her name was "Laken."  But continuing: he admitted she was killed by an illegal alien, but then quickly sneered at that by saying "Look how many murders are committed by other people."  Presumably meaning American citizens.  See, he could NOT admit what's obvious to normal Americans: that his party's open-borders policy has allowed millions of un-vetted aliens into the nation, many of whom have committed serious crimes in their home countries. 

But MSNBC wanted to give Porridgebrain a chance to apologize for calling the killer an "illegal alien."  And biden did just that.

He apologized for calling Laken Riley's kiIIer an "illegal alien," repeatedly saying the proper term was "undocumented American."  Then he went on to revise history, saying "They built this country."

Of course you don't believe that because it's just too outrageous to be real, eh?  In that case watch the damn video at the link above.  You don't want to believe things that contradict your worldview.  Yeah, I get it.  So are you gonna keep your fingers in your ears and your eyes closed, or...? 

See, in Democrat-world the regime and their Media flacks don't allow us to call things what they are.  Cuz dat wud be jus' too, too unsettling fo' duh regime, eh?  So under Democrat rules a 20% increase in the price of virtually everything in just over three years is called "a booming economy."

Six million illegal aliens Porridgebrain and his Democrat party have allowed into the U.S. in just three years is described--repeatedly--as "the border is totally closed,"  And "illegal aliens" is verboten, replaced by "undocumented."

Over-stating jobs created by up to 35% is called another indication of a "booming economy." 

Mid-day smash-and-grab robberies of upscale stores--caught on video--is warped into "proof that crime is falling."

Mutilating healthy bodies is called "gender-affirming health care." 

Finally, the most hate-filled State of the Union speech anyone alive has heard is described by EVERY Mainstream Media outlet as NOT "hate-filled" or hateful, but as... "fiesty."  "Fiery."

Imagine (if you can) how the media would have reacted if Donald Trump had given that same speech.  The Media would have screamed that it was hateful.  Angry!  Divisive!  But since their guy said it, what they told ya was that it was just..."fiesty."

Elections have consequences.  Stolen elections have horrible consequences.  If the Republicans stole an election you'd scream bloody murder, but when your party does it everyone smiles smugly and ignores the evidence.  But you know what your party did--and now you're seeing the consequences.

And brace yourselves, cuz you haven't begun to see the full bill of misery this corrupt son of a bitch and his supporters have inflicted on this poor nation of many good people.  

One more point, Democrats:  In another life I flew jets for a living, and when things go wrong in flying there's a point beyond which it's not possible to recover.  The same is true for every other endeavor, including nations.  (Ask the citizens of Rome circa 400 A.D.)  Every telltale I see says we are right at that point, if not a bit past it.

IF it's not too late, it's gonna take a super-human effort for our nation to recover, and thus to continue in at least a semblance of what has for the last 85 years been the greatest nation on Earth.

If you had a pleasant childhood you might miss that.  And your kids certainly will.  But if you believed you were "oppressed," you'll cheer for the "new world order:"  No flying (for you), eating "non-meat protein" (bugs), owning nothing.  Your masters have already described the new world they envision.  If it appeals to ya, hope you enjoy it.  


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