March 04, 2024

In a Dem shithole, a thuggish, moronic school principal hires hitman to kill his pregnant girlfriend

How far has this country fallen under "wokie" Democrat/liberal rule?  You can't possibly imagine.

In the Dem-ruled shithole of St. Louis, the married black principal of a "school for performing arts" was having affairs with multiple women.  At least one of those was a teacher, and he got her pregnant.

Not wanting to lose his cushy job as principal (salary $150,000 or so), the principal--a moronic thug named Cornelius Green--hired a friend to kill the poor teacher he'd gotten pregnant.

Classic: He was doing wrong, but to preserve his salary and prestige position he has her killed.  It's like throwing your opponents in prison for your own wrongdoing.  (Sound familiar?)

The principal had keys to her apartment, which he gave to the killer so he could get in without waking the victim.
Cornelius Green was arrested way back in 2016, but the case is just now reaching trial.
And a week ago the corrupt, stupid, "woke" lackeys at the St. Louis DA's Office agreed to dismiss the murder charges against the principal after he agreed to plead guilty *to avoid a likely death penalty.*

Pro tip: Don't EVER agree to dismiss charges, because later when a cunning attorney gets the guy released (wanna bet?), you've dismissed the charges, eh?

Another pro tip: the mere existence of the death penalty can help resolve some cases.  But wokie liberals have taken that valuable tool away from most states.  Thanks, morons.

The thug principal hired a childhood friend, Phillip Cutler, to kill the teacher he'd impregnated.  In Feb. of 2016 the principal texted the friend asking him to come to Missouri to kill the pregnant teacher, offering him $2,500 to kill her.

After the killer arrived in St. Louis, the principal took the train to Chicago to create an alibi.  Then the killer used the principal's car to drive to the teacher's apartment, and used the keys the principal had given him to enter the apartment and shoot the innocent teacher.

After the teacher was dead, the principal took the train back to St. Louis so he could prove he was in Chicago at the time of the murder.  Back in St. Louis, the principal went to the teacher's apartment and called 911 to report she'd been shot.

The plot unraveled after surveillance cameras near the teacher's apartment caught Green’s car on the victim’s street at around 3 a.m. on the morning she was killed.  This was known in 2016, but the corrupt legal system took eight more YEARS to slow-walk the case through.

And if you haven't yet realized what a total, moronic thug the principal was: the thug admitted he stole the $2,500 he paid the killer from his school.

Now: Imagine a school board SO corrupt that they would appoint a guy THIS dumb and cunning as principal of a school.

Imagine a legal system so lazy that it takes eight years to extract a guilty plea *after having video evidence in 2016 that the principal's car was at the victim's apartment at 3am on the night when the principal claims to have been hundreds of miles away, and after he just happened to go to her apartment the next day and find her dead.

Now before my wokie lib friends wail, I readily admit the obvious: that there are cunning, moronic, thuggish men in every race.  My point is that since principals are appointed by school boards, what kind of wokie school board members would be impressed by a guy this dumb and thuggish, eh?

Wait, was that too harsh?  Cuz the wokie Mainstream Media and the courts were all totally eager to let the Dems steal the 2020 election and install the totally corrupt moron Porridgebrain as president, eh?  So compared to that, some little leftist school board is hardly worth noticing, right?

Starting to understand it yet?  Nah, you're not.  You can't connect the dots, because if you did it would be too scary, and you couldn't handle that.  And lest you think I'm being too harsh:

In another lifetime I flew jets for a living.  Wanting to learn from other pilots' mistakes, I've listened to hundreds of cockpit voice recordings of airliners that crashed.  You think of pilots as very logical, realistic people, but the amount of denial from supposedly logical pilots who saw evidence that they were doomed would amaze you.

The ability of humans to rationalize what they don't want to know is infinite.


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