March 08, 2024

Jobs report: "Dis SO faaabulous!! Reeeally! Faaabulous!"

This is a hoot!  Every month the regime issues a "jobs report" for the previous month.

It's total bullshit.  And the NEXT month it's revised--almost always downward, and often by a HUGE percentage!  The month after that it's revised yet again, also downward.  Of the last 13 monthly jobs reports from the totally incompetent, anti-America, lying biden regime, ELEVEN have been revised downward, as shown in the table below.

Now: the cutesy here is that the Media always touts the bullshit FIRST report as a HUGE victory for the regime, and the Lying Mainstream Media absolutely creams itself over what a faaaaabulous victory this is!  Predictable as the sunrise.

And of course next month, when the original report is revised--almost always downward--the Media totally ignores it.  It's SO predictable.  Same thing the next month, when it's revised downward again.  So the original over-estimate serves its purpose of making the regime look faaaabulous!

So why do the so-called "experts" in the Labor Department almost always over-estimate job creation, often by HUGE percentages," eh?  Read the last sentence in the paragraph above to see why.  

Now, a prediction:  Between now and the election, the jobs reports are all gonna look faaaabulous, just like always!  And the Media will swoon.  And uninformed, gullible voters (hint: way over half the electorate) will believe every word.  And then next month they'll quietly be revised downward.  And same the month after that.  But not one voter will read about the two downward revisions, so will believe the lies.

The Democrat regime could teach Joseph Goebbels a thing or two about fooling the public. 

If a company "misreported" it's quarterly earnings by this much, the SEC would file charges.  But the regime isn't held to any standard at all, just like Hunty biden not paying taxes on millions of dollars of bribes from foreign countries.  Cuz duh "just us" department won't prosecute crimes by biden family members, or cabinet officials.


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