March 02, 2024

Did ya hear? Last fall the total the gruberment spent to service the debt exceeded defense spending

You've got lots of skills, but odds are about 1000 to one that you're not a "numbers person."  That's okay, cuz there are a tiny handful of us around who are.

The problem is, you don't listen to us.

Instead you pay attention to the regime, and their Mainstream Media allies--who lie to you every single day to increase their own wealth and power.

Example:  Four months ago the interest cost of servicing our nation's massive national debt exceeded the entire amount we spend on defense.  

I'll wager the drink of your choice that you never heard a single word about that from either the biden regime or from the Lying Mainstream Media.

Now:  Why is this not just "important," but in fact is crucial to the survival of you and your children?  

Like it or not, numbers can have life-or-death results on your life--and this is one of those times.  Because for many decades now, your moronic, useless congress has been passing laws to spend more money than the federal government takes in.  So every year the "deficit" adds more to the national debt.

Democrats and RINOs want you to believe this is no big deal.  That's because they're either morons or corrupt--and either way the result is the same.  These dumb bastards can't spell "cat," yet they RULE us.  To get re-elected they constantly vote for more and more gruberment spending--again, money we don't have.  But hey, no problem, citizen!  We jus' borrow dat frum...somewhere.

Okay, now follow me here:  Ever know someone who's gotten into "credit-card debt"?  That means they've gotten a balance that's so high that just paying the monthly interest payment eats up all their "disposable income"?

If you've never seen that, you need to.  The only way they can dig their way out is to cut back on spending.  But most refuse to: "I can't give up cable TV!  What would I watch?  And I can't give up my daily Starbucks six-dollar coffee-like creation!  Life wouldn't be worth living!"

Ahhh, I see you've met some of these snowflakes.

This is the type of moron who's in congress.  They know voting to give voters "free stuff" wins them votes, and since being re-elected is the only important goal for these morons, that's what they continue to do, year after corrupt year.

So back to "numbers:"  Our national debt consists of tens of thousands of "bonds" with different maturity dates and interest rates.  Since they have different maturity dates, billions of dollars worth of these bonds come due every month.  The gruberment never--I say again, NEVER--has the cash to retire these old bonds, but merely borrows more money to retire 'em.  It's called "rolling over the debt."

Now:  Some of you may have noticed that the interest rate on T-bills has recently gone way up.  So we're replacing ("rolling over") bonds that had 1.5% interest with bonds having 4.75% interest--over three times higher.

And this is just beginning to take effect.

Unfortunately most of you still don't understand what that means--which is why you keep voting to elect the same morons to congress year after year after year, eh?

What it means is, very soon--sooner than almost anyone expects--the interest alone on our national debt will be the single largest expense by the gruberment.  Bigger than Medicare.  Bigger than Social Security.

Yeah I know, you don't believe that.  You can't believe it--because you foolishly, naively believe that if that was totally inevitable (it is) some economist or the Mainstream Media would have told ya, right?  And since they haven't, it must not be true, eh?

God Almighty, you people are so naive that I'm starting to think you deserve what's coming.

The ONLY way to avoid the otherwise-inevitable disaster is to cut gruberment spending.  Take an axe to EVERYTHING.  I'm former military, but I'll say "Fire everyone who works at the Pentagon," because only a dozen of 'em have any positive benefit for defense.  Easier to fire 'em all and then re-hire the dozen.

Cut Social Security benefits, but by just a percent a year so that people who have no other income have a chance to latch onto a church or other income-redistributing outfit.  Eventually you need to cut SS benefits to a maximum of $1,000 per month, and introduce "means testing," meaning that if you have over X dollars of income you don't get ANY Social Security.

Deport all illegal aliens, period.  Doesn't matter how long they've been here.  You came in illegally, so tough.  Go the hell home.  If you worked hard and made lots of money, good on ya, and you should be able to take that cash with ya and do good things back in your home country.

Stop ALL foreign aid.  Instantly.  No exception.  Stop all grants by the NIH and the myriad gruberment grift-pools to study or influence anything in any foreign nation.

Cut off all contributions to the UN and NATO.  Way overdue.

Abolish the Dept of Education, instantly.  Cut the budgets of the FBI, DOJ and CIA by half.  Audit every agent, and fire everyone who can't account for the amounts they spend every year. 

Cut government staff budgets for both the executive branch and congress by 50%.  Most of these people are useless, if not pernicious grifters.  And no, I haven't examined each one, just playing the odds based on the results we see every day.

Disarm every IRS agent.  Sell their guns and the millions of round of ammo on the open market, at market prices.  How many patriots do ya think would pay $450 or so to buy a 9mm that once oppressed American citizens?  Millions.  There is NO reason at ALL for IRS agents to have guns.

Stop all government "assistance" to "sanctuary cities and states."  You wanna defy federal immigration law?  Fine, but you won't get taxpayer dollars to do it. 

Instantly end ALL gruberment subsidies for grifts like "high-speed rail."  If a state's voters are dumb enough to demand such grift, let 'em pay for it themselves.

End all payments to Democrat-ruled shithole cities for assistance feeding and housing illegal-alien invaders.  The corrupt bastards wanted illegals and supported the Democrat regime allowing 'em all to waltz into the U.S.  And now they're wailing about the cost.  Ooohh, dey weren't complaining as long as duh illegals were in Texas, eh?  So now let 'em cope with the cost of paying for what they wanted. 

I could do this all day.  The federal budget is SO vast and bloated that it's hard to believe.  It happened because of corruption in congress, and no citizens watching and saying "absolutely NOT!"

You're getting really close to the point at which no recovery--no survival as we'd recognize it--will be possible.  Using the most generous assumptions, we have a window of maybe three years before recovery will be impossible.  But you'll have to act fast if you want to save the nation.

Hahahahahaha!  We already know you won't act.  You'll continue to vote Democrat/socialist, in the naive belief that numbers don't matter; the utterly stupid belief that a nation can spend far more than it takes in, year after year, decade after decade, and never face any reckoning. 

"Of course we can spend whatever we like, cuz we beez duh rulers!"

When you see it put like that, the fallacy is obvious, eh?

Reminds you of boys who see videos of parachute jumpers and think they can jump off the roof with an umbrella without injury, eh?  Great thought, but the numbers--the physics--didn't agree.  So how did that work out, eh?

Your moronic, selfish rulers (congress and the preznit) have taken the nation into a trap.  You don't realize it because a) you don't think numbers really matter, and b) even if you did realize that, you don't believe some anonymous blogger when the Mainstream Media is saying "Hey, everyt'ing beez totally FAAABULOUS, citizen!"

I can't blame you for not knowing why numbers are crucial, or for believing what the regime and the Mainstream Media tell ya.  After all, neither has ever lied to ya before, right?


BTW, if you're a liberal/Democrat and wanna take issue with any of the above, I'd be absolutely delighted to discuss it.  Just leave a comment and let me know what you disagree with.


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