March 01, 2024

How the networks protect the biden regime, part 845,938

The pic above is a "vigil" at the University of Georgia, for the murdered 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley.  Thousands attended.  

Did you see even a mention of this on any network "newz" broadcast?

No, you didn't.  Compare this to the almost round-the-clock coverage of the mobs protesting the death of St. George Floyd.  The networks thought that was worth non-stop coverage.  But the far more brutal murder of this 22-year-old nursing student by an illegal?  

Nah, the nets decided this mass vigil was worth showing you.

Why do you think the networks didn't think this huge vigil was worth showing ya?

Because inevitably, viewers would want to know how she was killed.  Oh, cops have a suspect?  Who was it?  Think viewers would want to know who was suspected of killing her?  Of course they would, but none of the networks wanted to tell viewers the truth--that the only suspect was an illegal alien.  Instead they'd call him--as CNN did--merely "an Athens resident."

When viewers inevitably learned that the suspect was an illegal alien invader, allowed to stay in the U.S. by biden/Dem/mayorkas/garland's ghastly, disastrous open-border policies--policies that are costing us billions, and thousands of American lives every year due to murders, drunk driving and fentanyl--think they'd be angry that the nets covered this up?

George Floyd was a thug and a drug dealer and drug user.  His death was due to his swallowing his stash of fentanyl.  The autopsy showed his blood had five times the lethal dose of that drug.  No one had anything nice to say about Floyd.  By vast contrast, Laken Riley was by all accounts a good, sweet, loving person, a nursing student.  

You couldn't find a more stark contrast between the victims.  Yet the ultra-liberal, Democrat-loving networks slobbered over George Floyd.  Fawned over him.  How did they memorialize Laken Riley's death, eh?  The only video was shown by Fox.

Look up "vigil for Laken Riley" and see what hits you find.  Every Fox station in Georgia carried the video, there were lots on YouTube, but NO network coverage.  Zero.  Look it up yourself.

The nets didn't cover it because they didn't want to have to admit who killed her.


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