March 13, 2024

As Haiti descends further into gang rule and murder, Dems demand we bring 'em here

If you pay attention to events outside your immediate reach, you may know that the shithole called "Haiti" has been taken over by gangs, who are shooting people in the streets.  The government and police have essentially vanished--much like a Dem-ruled city here.

Amusingly, for the past 18 months the biden regime has been allowing up to 30,000 people per month to come to the U.S. from four of the worst countries in the hemisphere: Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.  As of January of this year that program has admitted over 357,000 into the U.S, including 138,000 Haitians.

It doesn't take a PhD to realize that when your government allows a large number of people from a lawless foreign shithole to enter the U.S. in a short amount of time, our nation begins to look more like the ones those people came from.

This is true for immigrants from all countries. Most previous immigrants eventually assimilated, but in all cases our nation is  changed by what the biden regime is cutely calling "newcomers."  Sometimes the change is...radical.  But at least previous immigrants--almost all from Europe--were coming from nations with a tradition of law and civil behavior.  

That's not remotely true of the four nations mentioned earlier.

To pretend that all nations are basically the same is utter delusion--but that's how the biden regime is acting.  Americans should think long and hard about what it will mean if the U.S. becomes more like Haiti.

Today, under Democrat rule, even the *idea* of getting "newcomers" to assimilate is taboo.  (Look at "Little Somalia" in Minneapolis, or "Dearbornistan" in Michigan).  What we're seeing seems to be a deliberate effort by the regime to--pardon my harsh words--completely turn our cities into the shitholes the "newcomers" came from.

In the past, immigrants were impressed by the character, culture, traditions and history of the U.S. as conceived and founded, and saw the vast improvements over their home nations. They were eager to assimilate and join the greatest, freest, most prosperous society in history.

That's no longer true: now that the Left has succeeded in brainwashing America's native-born children to get them to reject the principles of the Founders as evil, they're demanding those principles be replaced by...what?

The Left doesn't often say what.  Instead they claim that whatever they demand is "right" by virtue of their core belief that they're "morally superior" to the rest of us.  And they're eager to destroy anyone who dares question them about this.

The Democrat regime--not just biden but all his lackeys and supporters--have totally erased our border.  They allow unlimited immigration, claiming it's for high-minded reasons (helping "refugees" and "asylum seekers"), but in fact they allow everyone in, and NGOs then coach 'em on how to get claim to be asylum-seekers so they can stay.  

No effort is made to get "newcomers" to assimilate.  Quite the opposite:  the Left has ordered all levels of government to pay for bilingual education and ballots.

Allowing millions of people into the U.S. who bring nothing but poverty, disease, destitution and the lawlessness of their home country is a prescription for disaster.  Yet the Media loves it.  Do they not understand what they're making inevitable?  Perhaps not, but some surely must.

Haiti, Venezuela, Mexico and most of the third world are indeed shithole countries.  All are essentially lawless and have been for decades. Yet the Democrat regime ruling the U.S. insists that "we must" allow hundreds of thousands of Haitians, Venezuelans, Cubans--and now "Palestinians"--to come here.  

Good luck.  You're gonna need it.



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