March 13, 2024

Priceless! Video clips of joe's SOTU speeches show exact same lines used year after year!

This is fabulous: a gal has put together a 3-minute video of short cuts from all of Porridgebrain's "State of the Union" speeches, and finds...he uses the exact same lines year after year--word for word!

The clip juxtaposes 3- or 4-second clips from each year back-to-back, which lets you see how often they use the exact same lines.  Shows ya how you're being manipulated.

Democrat: "Whut?  Dat crazy-talk!  He not manipulatin' us!  We Democrats iz way smahtah den yew deplorables!  Yew in a cult, but we beez supportin' duh greatest preznit evah!  Dat why we haz duh bestest economy evah!  An' great military leaders!  An' great picks fo' duh agency heads, like Mayorkas an' Mayor Pete an' Merrick Garland an' Jenny Granholm an' Lloyd Austin!
   "Dat why duh border beez 'totally secure.'  Why our military pipo been ordered to use preferred pronouns.  It why duh DOJ din' prosecute po' li'l Hunty, cuz he dindoo nuffin!
   "Dat why we gettin' rid of dat nasty ol' oil and gas, switchin' to doze great windmills an' solar panels!  Cuz we smaaht!
   "An' don' pay attention to dat report dat say our great preznit has bad memory or makes stuff up or claims to talk to people yesterday who died 20 years ago.  He jus' havin' fun wif ya!  He reeeally sharp.  Really.
   "An' yew shouldn't believe dat talk about 10 million foreign pipo walkin into duh country.  See, dey all 'refugees', po' oppressed folk askin' fo' 'asylum'--all ten million of 'em.  So it wud be mean not to let 'em stay here, right?  It don't cost much to feed 'em and give 'em homes.  Besides, yew know duh government kin print as much money as it needs, right?  So reeally, it free.  We like free, right?"


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